Take My Hand

Chapter 10

My mother came into my bedroom that morning to wake me up. Obviously I was still shattered since I had only had like, two hours sleep? Something like that. My eyes felt heavy as I opened them trying to see my mothers face as she stood at my bedroom door, with her arms crossed and the same nagging face as always. I pushed my head up off of the pillow waiting for her to say something to me.

"You can come out of your bedroom now. I hope you've learned your lesson. As for this Brendon boy, I don't want you to speak to him again. He's the one that cause all of this trouble. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be in this mess. Is that clear?" My mother asked. The clock had only just struck seven o'clock and already she was nagging at me. I nodded my head none the less. I'm not listening to what she says. I've decided, from now on I'm never going to listen to what she tells me to do. How dare she tell me who and who not to talk to. Brendon is the most non-two-faced person in my whole entire school...Including the teachers. Even though he tried to hide that he was a vampire from me, I can see why. I'm talking about his personality not his physical appearance. "Come down stairs and get some breakfast when you are ready."

I threw some random clothes on off the floor, that I had lazily dropped when I had came in last night. I plastered the usual make-up on and straightened my hair quickly. As I walked down the stairs I felt my stomach rumble, making a loud growling noise. I then realized I was really hungry, since I hadn't eaten anything since I was at school. Even then the school meals don't much to satisfy your stomach.

When I had gotten downstairs there was already a plate of pancakes set on the island counter, I'm guessing for me. "I figured you'd be hungry. I made you some pancakes." My mother informed as she pulled out the bar stool for me. She made? Yeah, right. This was probably the maids doing, not hers. I sat down and ate them never the less.

"Did father go to work last night?" I asked, trying to trick my mother into telling me something. Probably not going to work. My mother is really good when it comes to lying. Maybe because she's a good actress.

"No, he didn't. He didn't go the night before either." She replied. That's why the vampires were threatening me. He hadn't been doing whatever he was supposed to be doing lately. I don't know what that thing is, but whatever it was it must have been bad. I knew she wouldn't come clean to me. She's never going to either.

Once I had finished the pancakes I got up off the bar stool and began to walk out of the house after shouting, "Goodbye!" to my mother. She responded with the same thing.

It was surprising that I didn't happen to bump into Brendon again, on the way to school. He was probably to angry and annoyed to speak to me. I didn't mean to irritate him so much, I was just pointing something out. Hopefully he isn't too mad at me. He might have deliberately went to school early to get away from me, or later maybe. I made it into the school without seeing Brendon, but I managed to bump into many different "friends" near my locker.

"Oh my God! Belle! You're just the girl we were trying to find." Georgia Banks, my wannabe, squealed as she approached me. I always had this weird feeling as if she envied me and tried to hard to be like me or be friends with me. I think she hates me really, she just wants to get people to like her. I know her plan. I noticed she had some followers behind her, Riley, Aisleyne and Rebecca. "Well, everyone knows my birthday is coming up, right? So I decided. Instead of having a huge get together and an out of control party, I'm only inviting a few people to a sleepover. I want Riley, Aisleyne, Rebecca and you to come. So do you want to?"

"Isn't your birthday ages away?" I asked.

"Who cares!? I'm planning it now! Isn't that exciting!? Are you coming or not?" She questioned me again.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask my parents first." I replied. I looked over their heads to see if I could see Brendon in sight. "Excuse me, I have to go find someone." I informed as I tried to get past them.

"No, no, no, no. We want to talk to you about the sleepover." Riley smiled as she held my arm firmly.

"I can't. I have to find somebody." I said as I pulled my arm out of her grip viciously.

"Is it that Brendon boy?" Aisleyne asked, looking suspicious.

"Yeah, you've been hanging around with him a lot, lately." Rebecca chimed in.

"You know why he's here, right? He's a freak. Don't trust him." Georgia warned. Who did she think she was? Mrs Know-It-All? I hated her, I really did.

"Yeah, I've heard all the stupid rumors, but he has-" I was cut short as I felt someone grab my shoulder and drag me away from the girls. I heard the girls say a few words like, "Hey!" and "We were talking!"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I heard Brendon say as he pulled on my shoulder. He dragged me towards the male restroom.

"Where are you taking me? I'm not going in there!"

"It wont take a second." Brendon whispered as he dragged me into one of the male cubicles, then locked the door. "You haven't told anyone have you."

"About what?"

"About yesterday and the...Vampire business." Brendon whisper-shouted. I could feel his breath hot on my face, since he was standing so close to me. Being this intimate with him reminded me of that kiss, which made me want to kiss him again. These strange urges were probably just stupid teenage hormones kicking in, but I couldn't help it. It was torture being this close to him, in such little space.

"Oh, no. I haven't yet. Why? Do you not want me to tell anyone?" I questioned.

"It would be better if you didn't." Brendon started. "You see, that's how I got moved to this school. This big rumor was going around my school, that I was this vampire who bit people. I denied it every time someone asked me about it. I was a freak in other words. I got so bad that I had to switch schools. I'd really appreciate it if that didn't happen again."

"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone. But I'd watch my back if I were you. Some people have already been talking about you biting people in your old school. But I'll try to persuade them that it's not true."

"Thanks." Brendon was about to reach for the lock of the toilet, but he pulled his hand back before he touched it. "Oh, I wanted to apologize. For last night...or this morning in other words. I shouldn't of had a go at you like that, you didn't know."

"But I should have known. I'm sorry too. I'm not going to judge you again. Let's just forget about this happening. Actually let's just forget about last night altogether. I'll just keep you my little secret." I smiled, making him smile back. "Okay, can we please get out of here now. It's making me feel funny."

"Fine." He unlocked the door and we came face to face with another student. Thankfully, he was a geeky kid, with thick black rimmed glasses, tons of spots and blond curly hair. One of those people who don't start spreading rumors around the school, the ones that keep them self to them self. He stood staring at us both with a blank look on his face. "What!?" Brendon exclaimed as he walked past him calmly, with me following close behind him.

"Wow, that was weird."
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Oh my! Double digits!
I'm sorry if I haven't been updating that much. I've just started school and I don't really have that much time on my hands. I should have mentioned it earlier, whoops. Slipped my mind. I'll try to update as soon as possible, but maybe just on weekends, not school days. I'm busy then.
Love you loads like Oreos, Mel xxx