Take My Hand

Chapter 11

The school week seemed to pass more smoothly than I thought it would, without any mention of the vampire situation and without me blurting it out to one of my friends or family. I kept mine and Brendon's secret to myself, which was unusual since I usually can't keep a secret to myself for more than 24 hours. It was now the weekend and I didn't have to worry about telling anyone at school, but surprise surprise, I wasn't aloud out of the house. Fortunately I was aloud out of my bedroom for I hadn't done anything to annoy my parents...yet. That didn't mean I was aloud out into the back garden though. Why? Who knows? I was imprisoned in my abode with nothing but expensive luxuries to keep me occupied. I probably sound like a brat, but everyone needs to be let outside sometime not trapped in a house with a mother that has eyes like a hawk and a father that's god knows where doing god knows what. Most probably with those vampires doing errands or something. I still haven't been bothered to ask them about that. I'm frightened I might just cause trouble if I open my mouth.

It was late at night and my computer had given me as much entertainment as it could fulfill. My mother and father were already in bed fast asleep, judging my the noise of their snoring all the way down the other end of the hallway. Since there was nothing else to do, I dressed in my baby pink, silk pajamas and slid under the blankets of my large, purple, soft bed. I rested my head on my pillow and switched off the bedside light. I shut my eyes, once I had gotten comfortable trying to get some sleep but failed since I heard a loud 'ping' on my bedroom window. I quickly shot up in shock, wondering what or who it was. I waited a while for it to happen again but since it didn't occur, I lay back down thinking that I was probably just hearing things. Obviously I was wrong, because soon after there was another 'ping'. I turned my light back on and slowly went to the corner of my room to pick up the hockey stick I had, when my father tried to make me play sports all the time. It didn't last long. I walked over to my bedroom window with caution making sure not to make any loud noises so I didn't wake up my parents. I opened the purple velvet curtains and pushed the white, wooden window frame up.

"Brendon?" I whisper-shouted as I looked down out of my window realizing that Brendon was the one throwing pebbles at my window. "What are you doing here? It's 11 o'clock."

"I came to see you. Come out with me." He smiled, indicating that he had turned into the vampire that he hated being every single night of his life. It might be wrong but even though he had fangs, his smile still seemed to be radiant as his teeth glistened in the moonlight like pearls. "You're not going to kill me with that hockey stick are you?" He asked a little but worried.

"Oh. No. I just got a tad scared for a second. Sorry. You can never be too sure these days." I explained, placing the stick on the floor then returning to the window.

"So are you coming out with me?"

"Brendon, are you crazy? You know my parents go mad when I'm out during the day! I hate to think of what they'd be like if they knew I went out during the night! They would kill me. I can't."

"What they don't know can't hurt them. Sneak out, you have before."

"You know what happened last time I went out. I almost died."

"Yeah, but I was there to save you. I'll be there to save you all the time. Please. I promise I wont let anyone hurt you." Brendon promised with sincereness in his eyes and also that puppy dog expression, that no-one can say 'no' to. I stared at him trying to think of an excuse not to come out, but there wasn't any. I couldn't let him down. "If you don't come out, I'm coming up there to get you out of that bedroom."

"Oh, just out of curiosity, how did you know this window was mine?" I asked.

"I remember you saying that you sneaked out of your room by climbing down a tree awhile ago and I just figured that this was your room since it was the closest one to a tree. I hoped for the best that this was the right one, because this could have terribly backfired." He replied, which made me giggle. "Have you made up your mind yet?"

"Brendon, please don't do this. I seriously can't come out. What if my parents find out?"

"They wont. Trust me. I'll make sure you're back to your bedroom at an appropriate hour." I shook my head at it him. He sighed as he began to climb the tree, "Since you're being so difficult, I guess I'll have to come and get you myself."

"Brendon, what are you doing!?" I whisper-shouted. "Get down! You're going to get caught!"

"No I'm not." He said as he climbed through the window. "Nice bedroom."

"Brendon get out. You going to get us both killed."

"I'm not getting out until you come out with me."

"Fine! I'll come out. But I need to change. Promise you wont look, I'll be as quick as possible."

"Okay, I'll just explore your bedroom while you dress." As he searched my bedroom, I quickly unbuttoned my pajama top and threw on a hooded jumper then exchanged my pajama pants for some denim skinny jeans.

"I'm ready." I informed him as I slipped some vans on. He stopped searching my bedroom and headed towards the window and climbed out, with me following soon after. He waited for me to reach the bottom of the tree once he did. He reached out for my hand when I was near the bottom, so he could help me down. As I was about to take his hand, my foot missed the last branch. I gasped as I came falling from the tree, but thankfully Brendon's strong arms were there to catch me, saving me from seriously hurting myself.

"I told you I'd be there to save you." Brendon whispered as I stared him in the eyes. My arms were wrapped tight around his neck unknowingly, obviously from fright.

"Thank you." I whispered back with a shaky breath.

"You're welcome." He said as he placed me back on my two feet.

"So, what do you have in mind?"

"I have something I want to show you."
♠ ♠ ♠
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I can't think of a good ending for this story, I just know roughly what's going to happen...I don't know, you'll have to wait and see what I have in store.
I hate school and homework.
Love you lots like jelly tots, Mel xxx