Take My Hand

Chapter 12

"So, where exactly are you taking me?" I asked, while I mindlessly followed Brendon along the path to god knows where, having only the light off the moon to brighten up the paving.

"Just follow me."

"Did I mention I have a fear of the unknown. Please tell me where we are going." I pleaded as he took my hand and lead me up a metal staircase to the top of an extremely high-up building. He decided to ignore my pleads and carried on leading me up the stairs. "What is this building?" I asked.

"It's just a hotel."

"What's so good about a hotel?"

"You're so ungrateful."

"How so?"

"It's not the hotel I want you to see. Just wait till we get to the top, okay?"

"Fine." I replied in defeat. When we were close to the top, Brendon walked behind me and covered my eyes with his hands. "What in the world are you doing?" I asked, feeling quite scared.

"Nothing. Don't peak, yeah?" I nodded my head as he guided me up the stairs, careful that I didn't trip on any. Eventually we had reached the flat surfaced roof of the hotel, making it easier for him to guide me from place to place. Brendon came to a halt, also making me halt too. He took his hands away from my eyes and said, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

I did as I was told and looked at the view in front of me. Words could not describe how beautiful it looked. I had a panoramic view of Las Vegas. A mixture of different colored, bright lights shone down below me as fast cars sped down the road blurring the lights slightly. "Brendon, it's beautiful." I gasped, almost speechless as I placed my hand over my heart. "You can see everything up here. I can even see my house!" I screamed pointing towards the large house on a sub-urban street, slightly more raised than all of the other houses.

"I can't see mine. Mine is too small." He laughed.

"Oh Brendon, thanks for bringing me here." I praised, turning around and wrapping my arms around Brendon's neck engulfing him in a hug. I buried my head into his chest, taking in his scent. It was almost heavenly, I never wanted to let him go or even leave this spot on top of the hotel at all. "It's breath-taking."

"It reminds me of you."

"What?" I asked, unsure of what he had said. I broke away from the hug to look at his facial expression. He was smiling from ear to ear showing his sharp, white, fangs.

"It reminds me of you. It's beautiful just like you." That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, in my whole life. Judging by the temperature of my face, my cheeks had turned a new shade of red. Thankfully, it was pretty dark on top of the building with only the light of the moon and and the lights at the bottom of street to accompany us.

"Thank you." I said bashfully. I kissed him on the cheek before walking towards the center of the building to have more of an all around view of Las Vegas. Brendon followed close behind, with his hands tucked in his pockets and his side-swept fringe hanging in front of his face slightly. He looked adorable tonight. Almost angelic. "How did you find this place?" I asked.

"It was a couple of years ago. When I was with my foster parents. They weren't in almost all the time so I came here. I knew this place was high-up and and close to the center of Las Vegas. So, why not here? It made me feel better and somehow kept you company when there wasn't anyone else there for you."

"I can't believe you had no-one. At all. No-one to talk to."

"It could have been worse. They could have been abusive."

"God, I'm so ungrateful." I sighed to myself, knowing I was a spoiled brat. I felt disgusted with myself for knowing that there is other people in the world who have way worse family than I, who don't even complain about it. Some of those people are even closer than you'd expect. Like Brendon, for example. He's kept his mouth shut and locked away all of his problems from anyone else in the world, all except me. Why me though? Why did he choose to tell me all of his secrets to a little posh brat like me?

"You're not ungrateful." Brendon reassured as he hugged me tightly.

"Yes, I am. You even said yourself." I said pushing him away gently.

"Aw, I was just kidding."

"But it's true. I spend almost all of my life wishing I didn't have the parents I have, while there's other people who have it more worse than me." I felt ashamed slightly and it made it worse since I had just created an awkward silence between me and Brendon. The reason for it was probably because that Brendon agreed with what I had just said.

"Belle, don't feel bad. You're not a spoiled brat and even if you are, you're not choosing to be. You're parents are the ones who have the greatest effect on you in your life. Do you know what will make you feel better?"

"What?" I asked. Without replying he picked me up bridal style, shocking me making my heartbeat rise. "What are you doing?" I asked as he started walking towards the edge of the building. He still didn't answer, he continued walking towards the edge, gradually picking up pace. My heartbeat began to quicken with every step he took. "Brendon, I don't like heights!" I screamed. "Stop!" He ignored me and before I knew he jumped off the building with me in his arms. I let out a piercing shriek as we fell closer and closer to the ground at an insane speed. The wind blew my blond hair rapidly as I grabbed onto Brendon for my dear life. As I prepared to come in contact with the ground with a strong impact, I buried my head into the crook of Brendon's neck. Instead of feeling the worst pain ever, I felt myself come to an easy landing as Brendon's feet touched the ground softly. I lifted my head off of Brendon's shoulder and quickly scanned my surroundings fearing that I was dead. I noticed that I was in a dark secluded alleyway, away from any normal human beings that could have seen what had just happened.

"Do you feel better?" Brendon asked as he flashed a crooked smile.

"I said I had a fear of heights!" I screamed at him.

"You have a fear of everything today."

"That was so not funny. What the hell was that!? How did you do that?!" I questioned with my breathing unsteady and rapid.

"Whatever you do. Don't try doing that by yourself."

"I don't think I want to! That was scary! I guess there's no easy explanation for how you did that. Are you immortal or something?"

"No, but I'm a vampire. I can do that stuff, you can't."

I glanced down at my watch. My eyes widened as I noticed the time that was flashing. "Well, Brendon. It's been an interesting night, but I think I should seriously go home. Walk with me." I ordered as I walked around the back of the alleyway instead of bumping into any normal human beings at the front of the alleyway. I don't really want to see their reaction to Brendon.

Eventually we reached my house, which Brendon had kindly agreed to walk along with me.

"Come inside with me for a bit?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. "Please."

"Fine. Just for a couple of minutes though." He said as helped me up onto the first branch of the tree. I climbed up the tree and through the window, then helped Brendon climb in, trying to make the least noise possible.

"Do you mind if I put my pajamas on?" I asked Brendon who had placed himself on my bed.

"Not at all." He replied as I picked up my pajamas from off the floor. "Do you want me to- Oh, sorry." He said embarrassed as he turned around to see me taking off my top. He turned back around abruptly to so that he was facing the wall instead of me.

"Brendon it's just a bra. It's not going to hurt you." I joked as I pulled the pajama top over my head.

"But it's holding your boobs." He stammered, still facing the wall.

"Brendon, stop being silly. You can't see anything. Besides my pajamas are on now."

He turned to face me slowly, but surely. He sighed realizing I was now fully dressed. I had never seen this side of Brendon before. Embarrassed and bashful. It was really cute seeing him squirm, no matter how cruel it sounded. I climbed under the sheets of my bed, then stared up at Brendon who was standing beside my bed.

"I guess I should be going home now."

"No, don't go." I begged him as I grasped his hand firmly.

"But I've got to get home sometime."

"Stay here for tonight."

"I can't. What if your parents walked in to see that there was a random boy sleeping in their daughters bed?"

"I don't want to be alone. I'm scared." I admitted.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Scared of what?" He asked.

"I don't know. Vampires? Being alone? What if I get hurt?" I questioned, making myself even more scared.

"Belle, nothing is going to hurt you. I'll make sure of it. Don't worry, trust me." He whispered softly, calming my nerves instantly.


"Shh, shh, shh. Go to sleep." He ordered. I nodded obeying his orders. He looked down at me with his big brown eyes as I stared back up at him. Without warning his lips attached to mine in one quick second. My eyes instantly closed as well as his. One of my hands got tangled into the back of hair while the other was entwined with one of Brendon's. His other hand was holding him up for support. When he pulled apart he planted a few more little kisses on my lips, then looked down at me again. "Goodnight, Belle."

"Goodnight, Brendon."
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Like? Not like?
Cute or what?! I know, right!?
I'm really tired.
Some of this story was really cliche, but who cares?
Love you loads like Oreos, Mel xxx