Take My Hand

Chapter 13

It felt as if this weekend had gone too fast. It was Sunday evening and I was currently, in the gym on one of the treadmills that my mother had forced me to run on for an hour or so. The sun was just setting nicely letting a soothing orange glow shine down into the gym. When it is dark, I am planning on going out with Brendon again. He doesn't know about it yet, obviously because my mother doesn't allow me to have any human contact, especially with boys. If either my mother or father found out what I was doing at night, they would kill me for sure no doubt about it. But they're not going to find out are they now? Not with my quick wit and highly evolved brain.

Once the timer started to beep on the treadmill indicating that my time was up, I quickly stopped the treadmill and ran upstairs to my bathroom to get rid of all of the gross sweat that had appeared on my body. When I had relaxed in the warm bath, last night's memories came flooding back. I smiled as I thought of the feeling that Brendon had given me when he kissed my lips. He was my first kiss with a vampire. Vampires do it better. I wonder if I was his first kiss.

I was still smiling when I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and when I had gotten dressed into my pajamas, then into bed. I was too busy grinning that I didn't hear my mother come into my room.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked as she sat on the edge of my bed, looking down at me with the stupid grin on my face.

"Uh, nothing." I replied quickly, not wanting to tell her the real reason. She doesn't want me speaking to boys let alone, kissing them. Whether he'd be a normal human being or a vampire.

"Come on, you can tell me. I'm your mother." She tried to persuade me to tell her.

"No, it's nothing. I just thought of something funny that happened in school the other day." I lied, which was pretty quick for me.

"Oh really? What happened?" She questioned, consistently.

"Um, someone fell over."

"I don't see what is so funny about that. You shouldn't laugh when someone has inflicted pain on oneself. Just put yourself in that persons shoes and think of how painful and embarrassing it is to fall over in front of other people."

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I guess I didn't think of it that way." I chuckled slightly, as I thought of how well that lie had went.

"Well, now you should." My mother said before moving a strand of hair behind my ear. "Me and your father are going to bed now. You should too since you have school in the morning. Goodnight Belle, sleep tight."

"Goodnight mother." I mumbled as I pretended to feel sleepy and close my eyes slightly. Once I heard that she had left my room, walked down the corridor to her room and closed her door, I shot up from my bed and took off my pajamas in exchange for a pair of jeans and a shirt. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a pony tail, then opened the bedroom window and climbed out of it. I climbed down the tree, this time making sure I didn't fall on the last branch since there was no Brendon to save me this time. I made it safely to the bottom of the tree, so I started my walk to Brendon's house, which wasn't far from mine.

When I had reached it, I walked up the the front door and reached out to knock on it. Before my fist could reach it, the door opened revealing Brendon. Brendon screamed in shock when he realized that there was someone standing outside of his front door. I let out a scream in shock that he was screaming.

"Oh my god, Brendon! What is your problem?! Do you normally greet your guests like this?!" I questioned him.

"What's my problem? What's yours?! Do you normally stand outside of peoples front doors and wait for them to open, then give them the fright of their life!?"

"Just on Sundays and Wednesdays."

"Shut up. Seriously though, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to ask if you want to come out. Where are you going?" I asked.

"I was going to see if you want to sneak out with me again." He replied.

"Well let's go out then." I said and linked my arms with his, then walked down his path. "Oh yeah, I forgot." I gasped. I turned around to look at him, releasing his arm from mine. I stood on my tip toes and brought him into a kiss, with my hand on his neck. When I broke away I saw Brendon's eyes flutter open and his lips curling into a smile.

"Wow. What was that for?" He asked, still a bit shocked.

"You kissed me last night, but I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have done since I was half asleep. I thought I would make up for it my kissing you now." I answered.

"Fair enough." He laughed slightly as I linked arms with him again and began walking along the dark and empty road.
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I think the next chapter might be exciting. You'll have to wait and see. I might write it tomorrow. You'll have to wait and see.
This one was pretty crap, but it's just the beginning of something exciting. I don't know.
Happy Hug A Vegetarian Day!
Love you lots like jelly tots, Mel xxx