Take My Hand

Chapter 15

I tried to struggle out of the grips of the two strong men, who were clutching my arm firmly. "Let me go, you bastard!" I screamed, directing it at William. It was no use trying to release myself from their powerful arms, I was much too weak. William simply chuckled evilly, smiled at me then glared at me with his cold eyes. He intimidated me by slowly circling me, like a shark circles his bait preying on the innocent creature that it has chosen as its food. His shoes clicked against the hard concrete floor with every step he took, looking me up and down. "What do you want from me?" I asked quietly and calmly.

"I want you." He hissed into my ear. I shivered as I felt his breath hot, against my neck. "Your father failed to show up again. Where's the money, Belle!? Where's your father!? I need that money! He owes us that money! You probably know what's going to happen if he doesn't give it to me." He threatened placing a bony hand on my hip and his lips on my neck.

"Don't touch me you pervert!" I shrieked as loud as I could.

"What's the point in screaming honey? No-one can hear you. If you think you're lover boy, Brendon can save you again, you're mistaken." As if on queue, I heard the frantic calls of my name echoing throughout the street from none other than Brendon.

"Brendon! Hel-" I started, before one of William's men viciously covered my mouth with his hand. I tried screaming but it came out faint.

"Turn the lights off!" William whisper-shouted at the other man. He did as he was told so the room was pitch black. "Wait by the door!" William ordered. I soon realized what they were planning to do, if Brendon did come into the room. I heard Brendon's footsteps coming down the metal stairs.

When William's side man released my mouth to join the other, guard the door, I screamed, "Brendon! Don't-" I was cut off when my face came in contact with William's hand. I collapsed to the floor, delirious and fragile. A second or so later, Brendon opened the door, letting a thin beam of light into the room.

"Belle!" Brendon shouted. I was about to open my mouth to warn him, but before I could get any words to come out, he was ambushed by the two side men. They held his arms tight behind his back as he attempted to tear them away from their grips. "What the hell!?" The light was switched back on, brightening up the room again. I propped myself up on one arm as I lay on the floor, looking at Brendon who was still being held back.

"Let go of him!" I screeched, getting up off of the hard floor and beginning to walk over to Brendon. Out of nowhere, William came up behind me and grabbed my waist aggressively, pulling me back.

"Not so fast, Belle. What about me? You have the money, then you're free to go."

"I don't have any money! Please, just let me go!"

"That's not good enough, honey."

"Don't you da-" Brendon started, but the rest came out mumbled after his mouth was covered quickly.

Unexpectedly, William brought his fist to my lower lip. Blood began to gush from the newly formed wound on my lip and near the top of my forehead as my head collided with the corner of a table before falling to the floor, once again. I was weak and feeble as I lay on the floor, my eyes barely open as I watched William make his way over to Brendon. It was torture to see William hit him like this. It was unbearable. Words couldn't describe how horrible each blow was. My lip quivered as a single tear rolled down my cheek. With all the energy I could roundup, I slowly and quietly pushed myself up from the spot on the floor. I sneaked behind William, while he and the two side men punched Brendon repeatedly. Without giving it a second thought, I forcefully kicked William in the head knocking him to the ground.

When the no-named men came towards me, I thought fast and kicked the one in front of me in the genital area and elbowed the one coming at me from behind, in the face. By the time William was about to get back up, Brendon had recovered from his violent beatings, but only slightly. He quickly punched William in the face knocking him back down again, then grabbed my hand dragging me out of the basement like room and up the old, rusty, metal stairs. We heard the sound of other footsteps coming up the stairs also, so we began sprinting down the street, trying our best not to trip on any cracks.

What had happened to the once nice night? This was not the kind of adrenalin either of us anticipated.
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I had trouble writing this. I'm no good with fight scenes.
Poor Brendon though. I'm so glad he's alright now.
Stay tuned.
Friends are stressful today.
Love you lots like jelly tots, Mel xxx