Take My Hand

Chapter 23

Immediately after the school bell had echoed throughout the school, I shot up from my assigned seat and rushed out of the classroom. All day I have had to put with people taunting me and repeatedly asking me the same questions about me and Brendon. For such a good start to a day, the rest of it seemed to be like hell. I've tried to ignore everyone, mainly because Brendon is the only one running through my mind. Not anyone else, just Brendon. His face as he left the school was absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking. I know my mother warned me to not be late but I have already decided that I'm going over to Brendon's first thing, when I get out of the school.

That's where I'm going now. It's a struggle to get out of the school, with everyone surrounding and crowding me as they ask questions continuously. In the end, I manage to exit the school alive. I speed walk down the path out of the school grounds so, I'm walking along the street to Brendon's. I doubt he'll be very pleased to see me standing at his door, but it's worth the try to apologize. Hopefully he's cooled down since I last saw him, but there's always a chance that he's still angry. That's a risk I'm willing to take.

Eventually, I made it to his house. My stomach did flips, fearing his reaction to me being here. Never the less, I didn't hesitate to knock upon his door. I waited approximately, ten seconds before he answered. His dull expression turned to an angry one, once he realized it was I who was standing at his door.

"What do you want?" Brendon asked, less angry than the last time he spoke to me. His manner was still hostile, however, but at least it's an improvement from the previous encounter. That's the Brendon I'd rather not encounter again.

"Brendon, we need to talk," I informed him. "Seriously."

"There's nothing to talk about," Brendon said in a monotone voice, shaking his head in disagreement. He walked further into his house, leaving the door open, so I assumed I should follow him. "I don't want to talk to you right now. I think I made that clear this morning, what don't you get about that?"

"We have to sort this out. I really am sorry for what I did. I was forced into drinking that alcohol and I said a few things I shouldn't have said."

"You still said those things, Belle! You can't change that! Now, the whole school knows about it. I'm probably going to have to move school again and it's all because of you!" His voice was raised once again. I began to cry for the second time today. "Belle, stop the waterworks. You're only trying to find sympathy and it's not going to work with me. Why are you even crying? You started all of this, now you're just feeling sorry for yourself. Right, before I completely lose my patience, I want you to leave. Now."

"But Bren-" I started, but was cut off when Brendon grasped my arm, tightly. Not tight enough so that it began to hurt, but tight enough to manage to pull me towards his front door.

"I don't want to talk to you, Belle," Brendon said, irritated. After I had basically, been thrown out his house, he slammed the door shut. By this time, tears were pouring from my eyes. I had nothing else to do except go home, crying like a little brat that I am. I wasn't unbelievably late, so hopefully my mother wouldn't complain that much for my lateness. I quickly dried my eyes, before entering my house so my mother wouldn't ask any questions about why I'm crying.

Once I had entered my house, I quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom, without being spotted thankfully. I collapsed onto my bed and let all of the tears flow out. Brendon had hit the nail on the head. He was right about everything. Me wanting sympathy because I felt sorry for myself, I mean. I had ruined everything.
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Uber short? I know. But it's kind of needed. I would update more often than this, but school is gay.
I'm really tired.
Good Night!
Love you loads like oreos, Mel xxx