Take My Hand

Chapter 27

“Aren’t you tired?” I asked Brendon, before yawning. Even though I hadn’t done anything, except talk to Brendon all day while he drove, I still felt extremely tired. Maybe it’s because the lack of a comfortable sleep.

“I’ve told you before. I don’t sleep,” He replied, continuing to stare down at the dark and empty road in the middle of nowhere. There were no stars in the sky, just the full moon. It managed to brighten up the road enough for him to see where he was going.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot,” I mumbled. I rested my head on the window and began to drift off into a sleep, but was awoken a few moments later when Brendon swerved.

“Shit,” Brendon cursed as I glanced at something ahead of him. Far down the road, driving towards us was a police car. I didn’t think anything of it until Brendon veered off of the road and onto the dirt ground.

I was now fully awake from the sudden speed change. I was more than awake. “Brendon, what are you doing!? This is no time for froadin,” I exclaimed at him. He was speeding away as far as possible from the road until eventually we were in the abyss of nothingness. “Stop this, right now! Go back to the road.”

“I can’t there’s cops there! What if they’re looking for you!?”

“Brendon, stop being paranoid!”

“I’m not being paranoid!”

I groaned loudly into my hands, irritated at how stubborn Brendon was being. Eventually after a few more minutes of Brendon’s insane driving, the car began to slow down. I did think that he had gotten the right piece of mind to go back to the road, until the car completely stopped and the engine went off.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. Without an answer, Brendon tried turning the key for the engine to work, but it just stuttered in return.

“Fuck,” Brendon sighed as he rested his head against the steering wheel.

”I thought you filled the car up?!”

“I did!”

“Then why isn’t it working?!”

“I don’t know! There must be something wrong with the engine!”

“Now, what are we going to do?” I asked, feeling tears build up in my eyes. I broke down under the stress and the fear of being in complete dark. I was terrified; I couldn’t see anything at all. All I knew was that the road was nowhere to be seen and that we were in the middle of a desert.

“Don’t cry, Belle. I’m here with you,” Brendon whispered into my ear as he held me in his arms. We moved to the back of the car so there was more space, continuing to cry into his chest. “Everything will be alright in the morning, I promise.” Brendon stroked my hair softly, slowly sending me into a deep sleep.

“Sing to me, Brendon,” I mumbled.

I'm missing you so much, I'll see you die tonight,
Just so I can get to you before the sun will rise,
I know the signs are on and I feel this too,
None of that ever seems to matter when I'm holding you,

And I'm wasting away, away from you,
And I'm wasting away, away from you,

What have I gotten into this time around,
I know that I had sworn I'd never trust anyone again but I didn't have to,

You had me at hello.

His words lingered around my head for awhile before drifting off. Brendon’s voice was just so relaxing, that it stopped me from crying immediately and the song he sang was so cute is just made me feel as if everything was going to be fine. Even though I know things now aren’t fine. Not at all. Why did I agree to come with Brendon? This has to be the stupidest thing I had ever done. All because of a boy. But I can’t help being totally and utterly in love with him. It’s scary how in love I actually am with him, making me do stupid things like this and making me want to spend every single second of every single day with him. I know that even if I tried to stop loving him that it would be impossible since I have been in love with him for way too long now to turn back. There’s no return now.

What have I gotten into this time around?
♠ ♠ ♠
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Kind of short. Sorry.
The song Brendon sings in this is You Had Me At Hello by A Day To Remember. I suggest you listen to it since it's one of the cutest songs ever!
Love you loads like Oreos, MeLIZZLE xxx