Take My Hand

Chapter 29

I and Brendon (with our disguises on) walked up the steps of the deck leading to the door of the wooden cabin/house. We both eagerly knocked on the door, in desperate need of food and drink, well I was anyway. I’ve noticed how long Brendon can go without actually eating or drinking anything. Eventually, the door was answered by a middle-aged man. He wore a pair of faded ripped jean which looked as if they hadn’t been washed for months and an off-white wife beater. On his head was a beaten up plain black trucker hat. Normally, I wouldn’t even try and talk to a person that had this image let alone trust him, but I was desperate and I needed a drink before I collapsed.

“Can I help you?” The man asked, in a deep, rough voice.

“Yes. Our car broke down a few miles back and we are in dire need of a drink. We were wondering if you were kind enough to provide us with some water,” Brendon explained.

“Yo, Brooke!” The man hollered into the house. “Brooke!”

“What!?” A woman, who I’m guessing is Brooke, questioned as she came into view at the opened door. Her hair was dirty blonde colour and it was clearly greasy. She wore black on-road boots with a purple floral summer dress…Trendy.

“These two here want to know if they can have a drink of our water,” The man informed Brooke.

Brooke turned her head to look at us and then smiled when she saw us standing outside of her door. “Oh, hey! I’m Brooke. Of course you can have a drink of our water,” She said, as she shook both mine and Brendon’s hand. “Excuse my idiot of a husband here for not letting you in. Come in. Come in.” We did as we were told and followed her into the house. The house made me want to physically be sick. It was dirty and dilapidated. I was scared to touch anything.

“So you said you wanted a drink. Do you want anything to eat too?” Brooke asked.

The state of this house had completely put me off food. “No, thank you,” I replied.

“Okay. Joe, come and help me get the drinks.” The man, who I now know as Joe followed Brooke’s orders and followed her into a different room. There was something fishy about this odd couple. Brooke was too happy and smiley for her own good and Joe was just a dodgy bloke. I didn’t trust them at all, but I was extremely thirsty, I had to have a drink.
“I don’t trust these, Belle,” Brendon whispered once Brooke and Joe were out of earshot. We hesitantly sat on the beat up sofa.

“Neither do I.”

“Come on. Let’s get out of this place, before they come back.”

“No. I need a drink. We’re probably just being paranoid.”

“I don’t like this.”

“Shh. They’re coming back,” I hushed him, when I heard the door creak open. They both entered the room holding a glass of water. I’m guessing one for me and one for Brendon. Brooke handed me a glass, while Joe handed Brendon one. Brendon just stared down at the water and placed it on the coffee table, not taking a sip. I gulped down all of the water, quenching my thirst. It left a weird aftertaste in my mouth, but I just figured it was because I hadn’t had a drink in awhile. I placed my empty glass next to Brendon’s full one on the coffee table. “So…why do you happen to live in the middle of nowhere? Isn’t that bit unusual?” I questioned trying to break the uneasiness.

“I wouldn’t call it the middle of nowhere. We aren’t that far away from the road,” Brooke informed.

“Oh, really? How far away?”

“It’s just like half a mile to the right of this house,” Brooke replied. “And not far down that road there’s a 24-7 store. That’s where me and Joe get all of our stuff.”

“That’s great!” Brendon exclaimed, with a smile on his face.

That’s when I noticed how dark it was. And how Brendon’s fangs had now appeared. “Dude, what’s up with your teeth?” Joe asked looking shocked as he stared at Brendon’s teeth. Ah, shit. Busted. Brendon’s smile immediately faded.

“Nothing,” Brendon replied trying to cover up his mouth.

“Let me have a look,” Brooke ordered as she came closer to him.


“What are you hiding?” Joe asked.

“I’m not hiding anything!”

“Why won’t you move your hand then?” Joe grabbed Brendon’s arm and tried pulling it away. I saw the anger build up in Brendon’s eyes and I could see now that he had lost his tolerance. I could see he was going to do something he’d regret.

“Back off!” Brendon yelled. He jumped up from off the sofa and pinned Joe against the wall. Before I had a chance to pull Brendon away, he had already sunk his teeth into Joe’s neck.

There were screams coming from Joe and Brooke. I just stood, shocked and paralyzed. I forced myself to move from that spot and tried to tear Brendon away from Joe. “Brendon, what are you doing?!” I shrieked as I grabbed his shoulders. I was so weak that I couldn’t pry Brendon away from him. “Stop it right now!” I shrieked again, tears pouring down my face. He wouldn’t listen. Just continued to suck the blood from Joe’s neck. It was one of the most disturbing things I’d ever seen. Blood was now pouring from Brendon’s mouth and out of Joe’s neck. Eventually, Brendon finished and let go of Joe’s lifeless body, leaving a blood stain on the wall as he slid down it.

Brooke was still screaming at the top of her lungs at her husbands body on the floor and scared to death of Brendon. Brendon ran across the room towards Brooke and then did the same thing to her as what he had done to Joe.

“Brendon, no! Just stop it!” I tried screaming again, but he continued to ignore me. I ran my hand through my black wig, beginning to freak out about the blood everywhere and at the monster Brendon had become.
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Hehe, gruesome.
I got my haircut today, rad. =D
Love you loads like Oreos, MeLIZZLE xxx