Take My Hand

Chapter 30

Brendon turned around slowly from the lifeless body he had just sucked the blood out of. He looked angry. Ashamed. Sympathetic. Even scared, scared of himself. There were so many more emotions that just couldn’t be identified. His saddened eyes stared straight at me so strong; it almost hurt, like he was burning a hole into my own eyes. My eyes almost matched his, with the emotions and all. Except his were without the bitter tears pouring out of them, as he did not see what I had witnessed him doing. Nothing could erase that and it is and forever will be scarred mentally in my mind.

I tried to talk first, but nothing came out. Maybe I let a small whimper escape my lips, but that was all. My throat closed up and my stomach did flips feeling as if I was going to puke at any moment, at the sight of Brendon with blood around his mouth and with it dripping down his bare torso. There was a little twist of something else in my stomach too, I don’t know what it was, but it made me want to puke even more. The feeling was indescribable.

“Belle, I’m so sorry,” Brendon apologized as he stepped towards me with open arms, breaking the mind numbing silence. I took a step backwards closer to the door. “I didn’t want you to see me like that.”

“Stay away from me,” I breathed as I took another step back as he came closer to me. I sounded pathetic, but I was at a loss for words and that was the first thing to come to mind.

“Don’t be like that, Belle.”

“Oh my god, Brendon! What the fuck are you doing!?” I screeched, before spinning ‘round to walk out of the door. Brendon followed soon after me.

“What did you want me to do? I had no choice,” Brendon tried to reason with me as he followed me around. I was frantically walking around in circles, running my hand through my wig every now and then.

“You could have not killed them, maybe? Why did you have to kill them, Brendon? They didn’t deserve that,” I cried.

Brendon grabbed my arm gently to stop me from walking around like a mad woman. He turned me around to face him. He placed his hands on the side of my face and stared down at me. “I had to. They knew about me. I don’t need that, right now. And what I need for you to do for me is to keep calm about this and act like nothing’s happened. I don’t need to attract any attention to us.”

“I can’t believe you’re making me go through with this,” I whined.

“If I recall correctly, I didn’t force you to come with me.”

“I came with you because I love you. I didn’t think you would go to such drastic extremes. Now you’re just being crazy.”

“You’re the one who’s making me go crazy. I’m crazy for you. I think I’d be less crazy if you weren’t with me. I’m doing all of this so you don’t get caught by the cops as well as me. If you didn’t come, then there would be no-one looking for me, no-one would know about my disappearance. Protecting you is making me crazy. I love you too much to take you down with me,” Brendon explained. Somehow he had managed to flip the whole situation around, now I’m the one feeling guilty. My stomach was madly doing flips, now. It felt like I was going to be sick. Scratch that, I was going to be sick.

“I’m going to be sick,” I informed Brendon, which made his expression change. I think he may have taken it the wrong way.

“What? After all I just-”

Everything that was in my stomach came out, even though I had hardly ate anything. Brendon quickly realised I was being serious about what I had said and was immediately by my side, holding my hair and patting my back. I’m sure I was bringing up blood as well as the vomit.

I continued to puke for about a minute and then lifted my head up once I knew I wasn’t going to puke again. What the hell had made me puke up blood? That was very strange. “Are you okay, now?” Brendon asked as he let go of my hair.

“No. I don’t feel too good, Brendon. I think there’s something wrong with me,” I notified.

“Well, there’s a 24-7 around here somewhere. I think it’s best we go there and find some medicine or something.”

I nodded in reply as he put my arm over his shoulder. “There’s a car next to there house. If there’s a car, then there must be keys inside.” Brendon sat me on top of the bonnet of the car and left me there. “I’ll be right back.” He went inside the house to go find the keys.

I felt well and truly sick. I was dizzy and faint, feeling as if I was going to collapse at any second now. What brought this on? Yeah, I was feeling sick at the sight of Brendon murdering that couple, but this was different. Like as if I was going to die. Maybe they slipped something into my water and that’s what had made it taste so weird. I know it was a stupid consideration, but that’s the only thing that’s possible. Eventually Brendon came back out of the house dangling the keys from his hand and all of the blood that was on his face and body had now been washed up and he didn’t look as scary. His bare chest still continued to show. He picked me up bridal style, from off the bonnet and placed me in the back of the car, so I had the whole back seat to myself. He went to the front and started the engine.

The feeling of pain began to join in all the other feelings; it was like someone was stabbing me in the stomach.

“Brendon,” I moaned, grabbing hold of my stomach.

“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked concerned.

“It hurts. Help,” I gasped.

“Hold in there, babe. I think I see something coming up in the distance.”

♠ ♠ ♠
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Chapter 30!
I think this story's coming to an end soon.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been obsessing over Taylor Lautner at the moment, been a bit...distracted. I think I might be writing a short story about him after this one. I think there's another Brendon Urie one on the way too, after I've finished 'Monster' too.
Hell yeah! It's snowing and now I've got a day off school!
Going to a sleepover tomorrow night, so there's definately no update then.
If you want to check this Taylor dude out, go to:
He's Sofa King Hot!