Take My Hand

Chapter 32

I woke up on a cold concrete floor in almost total darkness. The only light visible was the light shining through the crack of the door and beaming down onto Brendon’s motionless body. From what I could see, he looked badly beaten. Those bastards had done it again. Even though what had happened was a bit blurry, I still remember every single thing that happened before I completely blacked out. Every single detail. This whole night has mentally scarred me for life. Or that whole night, I’m not quite sure what it is. It could be early morning for all I know, but unfortunately there are no windows in whatever it was I was in.

I felt much better now than I did before. There were no more pains in my stomach and I no longer felt tired. I just really wanted to know where I was and what those goons had done to me and Brendon. Brendon still seemed to be out cold.

I crawled over to him to see if he was even breathing or if I could feel his pulse. I placed my hand on his stomach and then pulled back abruptly when he flinched and gasped loudly. At least he wasn’t dead, but he almost scared me to death when he jumped. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness in the room and I could make out the facial features of Brendon easier now. Although he looked agonized and weak, there was also a glimpse of amusement in his eyes.

“Thank god, you’re alive. I didn’t think you were breathing, so I came to check up on you,” I explained to him as I placed my hands on either side of his face. “How could they do this to you? Are you hurting? How bad does it hurt?”

“I’m fine, Belle. Stop worrying. How do you feel?” Brendon asked in a raspy voice. He obviously wasn’t okay. He had trouble breathing, let alone speaking.

“I’m much better. Where are we? We’ve got to get out of here,” I advised.

“It’s one of William’s rooms, I know that. I don’t think we can get out of here. William isn’t stupid enough to not lock the door,” Brendon clarified as he struggled to turn over to look directly at the door as he clutched his ribs. He pointed towards the door and said, “You can try it if you want.”

I got up from off the floor and cautiously walked across the dark room to reach the door. Brendon was right, the door was locked. “It’s locked.” I sat back down next to Brendon with my knees against my chest. Tears slowly began to fall from my eyes as I rested my forehead onto my knees. Brendon wrapped his arm over my shoulders when he noticed that my back was violently shaking because of the tears.

“Belle, please don’t cry,” Brendon pleaded. “We’re going to make it out of this mess. We always do.”

“Not this time, Brendon. What are they going to do with us? I don’t like this at all,” I cried into Brendon’s chest.

Brendon began stroking my hair, which made me immediately stop crying. I tried thinking of ways to get out of this mess, but for all I know, we were going to be left in this room to rot. Only the stupidest ideas started to run through my head. Just completely idiotic and impossible.


“What?” Brendon questioned. He stopped stroking my hair and looked down at me.

“Bite me.” How was this going to solve our problems? I don’t know, but I do know things will be a lot easier if I was a vampire too. If I became a vampire, I won’t have to worry about William having to suck every drop of blood out of my body. We’ll both just get tortured until our death. Oh god, I don’t know what’s better. Human or vampire? If Brendon just bites me once, I’ll turn into a vampire and I’ll be with Brendon forever more and help him through all his troubles. I won’t have to be another problem on Brendon’s chest.

“What?” Brendon repeated, looking shocked and slightly confused. It was obviously still night since Brendon’s fangs were still there. This is the perfect time to do it, there’s nobody around.

“Bite me. I mean it. Just do it. I don’t care how much it will hurt, but just do it. It’ll be a lot easier on you and me,” I explained to him.

“I don’t know if I can go through with this.”

“Please, I’m begging you.”

“What about your human life? You’ve got so much ahead of you and you’re just going to throw that away? Your parents, your school life, everything.”

“I don’t care. I’m not living for them. I’m living for you now,” I admitted. He was my life. I didn’t even have a life before he appeared. I was nothing, just a lifeless doll. No matter how in debt I am with my life at the moment, I’ve still done a lot more in the last month than I’ve done in the rest of my entire life.

Brendon gently took hold of my face and tilted it slightly to the right. He hesitantly moved his mouth closer to my neck slowly. I bared his fangs, before placing them on my neck. I clenched my fists tightly, preparing for the pain that was going to shoot through my neck any moment know. I could feel his fangs just about to pierce my skin, but we broke away quickly when we heard the sound of the door unlocking. A bright explosion of light entered the once dark room. I squinted at the entrance of the door trying to make out the figures.

William and three of his henchmen made there way into the room and then as if on queue the light in the room flickered on. The three henchmen took hold of Brendon who was still weak and began to lead him out of the room. Even though weak, he still tried reaching out for me.

“Please, let him go,” I begged as I reached back for him, but was held back by William. They continued to drag him out of the room until eventually he had disappeared around the corner. “No!” I screamed. “What do you want from me!?”

William clicked his fingers and immediately a henchman was closing the door as if he had read William’s mind. “Take a seat,” William ordered pointing to the steal bench that he had sat on. I didn’t even notice there was one in here, since it was so dark before.

“You can’t tell me what to do,” I snapped.
♠ ♠ ♠
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=( Almost finished. =) New story coming.
The clown has no penis.
Woop Woop! I'm gonna see fall out boy next week!
This is a notice which should be noticed and if you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.
Tee hee!
Love you loads like oreos, MeLIZZLE xxx