Take My Hand

Chapter 4

I found it hard to sleep last night. Not because I was thinking of Brendon, but because I felt guilty for him. I shouldn't have asked that many personal questions. I'm just so curious. I managed to sneak upstairs as soon as I came in without being asked any questions about school, last night. That didn't stop my mother from invading my privacy later that night to ask the questions. It's always the same questions as well. 'How was your first day of school?' 'Did you enjoy it?' 'What did you learn?' 'Who did you hang around with?'. I'd always answer with one word answers, but polite enough for my mother not to nag at me about it.

I fell asleep at around two o'clock in the morning, only managing to get two hours sleep seeing as I'm wide awake now, sitting up straight in my bed at four o'clock in the morning. I really couldn't get to sleep. I was about to try to get a couple more hours sleep before I had to wake up again for school, but as soon as my head hit the pillow I heard the sound of my mother and father's voices coming from the room next to mine. Once again, curiosity got the best of me. I placed my ear against the wall to hear what they were talking about at four in the morning.

"Are you going again?" My mother's nagging voice asked.

"Yes, dear. I have to." Once again they were arguing about my fathers job. You wouldn't think money would be a problem, considering how big my house is and how many luxuries I have.

"But, why do you have to do this? Isn't there anything else you can do?" Mother questioned and she wonders where I get the nosiness from.

"No. You know what they're going to do if I don't give them the money." Okay, now I'm lost. Who was he talking about? What are they going to do? Somethings telling me that he's not talking about work anymore.

"Yes, but isn't there any other way of paying them, which doesn't consist of money? Maybe if you try to reason with them, they'll be able to let you off."

"That's not going to work. I need to re-pay them for what I did. You'll know what will happen if I don't."

"I know, I know. Just go."

I was totally and utterly confused by that conversation. What the hell were they going on about?! I heard my dads footsteps coming closer to my bedroom, so I quickly lay back down on my bed and pretended to be asleep. The door opened slightly, letting only a glimpse of light through. It closed soon after. Eventually I fell to back to sleep, with so many questions running around my head.

This morning, no-one had to wake me up because I woke up before anyone else. I threw some random clothes on, did my make-up and ran a brush threw my hair not being bothered to straighten my hair.

While I was eating my breakfast, I felt someone else's presence in the room. I turned around to look at who was standing in the doorway. It was my mother, looking very pleasant, still dressed in her pajamas and silk dressing gown. Her hair was messy and her make-up was smeared, which wasn't like the usual mother I knew. She came closer to me and sat on the bar stool next to me. "Good morning, mother."

"Good morning. What are you doing up so early?" She asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied before taking a bite of my toast.

"Something troubling you?"

There were so many things troubling me. What was my parents conversation all about last night? Don't get me started on Brendon. So many things he said yesterday confused me and I felt so guilty for all the questions. His once happy eyes were full of sadness. It wasn't until my mother started to wave her hand in front of my face that I noticed I was in my own little dream world while she was trying to talk to me.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Is something troubling you?" She repeated. "You know you can always talk to me about it." I didn't feel as if I should tell her about Brendon. She doesn't really like me talking to boys or anyone in general. I don't know why. She is way too protective sometimes.

"Nothing is troubling me, mother." I replied, soon after. I got up off the bar stool and started for the exit. "I guess I should get to school now. I'll see you tonight, mother."

"Okay, darling."

I walked out of the house, feeling the heat of the Las Vegas sun beam down on me, even though it was first thing in the morning. It was quiet, just how I liked it as I walked along the pavement. No cars passed by. No birds were tweeting. And I couldn't see anyone else in sight. That is until I saw Brendon turn a corner at the end of the road. At that moment it felt as if someone had possessed me. "Brendon!" I blurted out, without knowing it. It just came out.

He turned his head to see who was calling his name. He smiled as soon as he noticed it was me, then waved soon after. I quickened my pace, trying to catch up to him as he waited on the corner of the road. I started to cross the road to get to him and didn't bother to check for any vehicles coming. I stopped running when I reached the middle of the road hearing a low-pitched horn coming closer. I turned my head to the right and noticed a big black lorry speeding down the road closer to me. I froze in that spot just staring at the lorry. I shielded myself as if it was going to make a difference. I got ready to feel the hard metal collide with my fragile body, but instead of feeling the metal I felt someones body collide with mine, pushing me backwards. The lorry zoomed passed me as I lay on the ground, with someone else on top of me. I looked up to see who had saved me. It was Brendon. His gorgeous eyes were staring down into my eyes as he panted heavily, synchronized with my panting.

"How did you do that?" I asked, still out of breath. My heartbeat was racing a million beats per second and I could feel the beat of Brendon's against my chest.

"Do what?"

"Save me so fast, when you were standing all the way across there." I said shocked as I pointed towards the pavement, where he was previously standing.

"Um...I- I guess I'm...just good at track." Brendon stammered, as he searched his brain looking for a good reason. I stared at him quizzically, but believed him none the less. I looked down at our bodies, noticing that he was still lying on top of me. He looked down also, then shot up after realizing what he was doing. "Anyway, you should be more careful." Brendon lectured slightly embarrassed.

"Thanks." I mumbled quietly as I looked down at my shoes. "Thank you for saving my life." I took my eyes away from my shoes and looked into his eyes with a smile on my face. He smiled back, bashfully looking down at his shoes now and again.

"No problem. Come on we should get to school, we're late."
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I know it was way too cheesy, but...
It's not easy being cheesy.
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Lots of love, Mel xxx