Take My Hand

Chapter 7

Rather than go home back to that hell hole, after Brendon had shouted at me, I decided to explore Las Vegas a little longer. It's not as if I hadn't already explored, but my parents always had to be with me at the time and where's the fun in that? They'd only take me to parts of Las Vegas that they knew were 100% safe, but I didn't want that. I wanted to see for myself what the rough parts of Las Vegas were like.

It had gotten a lot darker when I had reached the busy streets of Las Vegas, unlike my area. My area was more peaceful and tranquil. There was no more light in the sky, the only thing keeping the streets alight was coming off all of the over-sized lights. Not only had it gotten dark it had gotten more crowded. There were all sorts of people walking along the streets, some really scared me. Everywhere I went it felt as if I was being watched. I felt as if I didn't belong here amongst the city people.

My feet continued to walk along the strip not exactly knowing where I was going, just letting them take me to where ever they wanted me to go. It was kind of weird actually, it was like an outer body experience. I knew I was moving, but I couldn't stop myself.

Eventually I ended up walking down an empty, trashy, wrecked street. There was no-one in sight and the bright lights had disappeared long ago. I must admit, I felt scared. Who wouldn't be as they walked along an empty, dark street, with no-one else but there self. I was beginning to wish I had never came down this street. I felt lost, I didn't have a clue where I was and I had no-one to ask directions from for there was no-one around. Or so I thought.

I stopped when I heard foot steps behind me and it kind of reminded me of when Brendon was behind me in the school halls. I continued walking, thinking that whoever was behind was probably just trying to get home. I heard the footsteps quicken, making mine quicken too. Every time I would walk a little faster he would do the same. I looked behind me for a quick second, to see who it was that was following me. He was staring right at me with his hands tucked into his pockets. I began to run as fast as my legs could take me, fearing what that man could do to me. I immediately regretted running, since I could hear the footsteps getting closer to me, obviously meaning he was a faster runner than I was. My breaths were shaking with fear as I panted, hoping that someone or anyone for that matter, would save me.

When he had caught up to me, he placed his hand over my mouth so no-one could hear me scream. He wrapped his arm around my stomach and dragged me towards a more scarier looking alleyway, than the street I was walking along. I tried to scream, but it just came out muffled.

He let go of my mouth once he had pinned me against the wall. When I had the chance I screamed, "What do you want from me!? Let me go!" He smiled at me watching me struggle to get out of his grip. I froze when I noticed something strange about his teeth. He had fangs. No. He couldn't be a vampire. Vampires only exist in horror films. I must be a having a dream, but then again in dreams you can feel no pain. His grip on my arms was pretty painful, right now.

"You're Carl's daughter, aren't you?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"What's it got to do with you?" I asked.

"Well your father has been failing to give us the payment lately." Payment? Is this what my mother and father were talking about the other night? I'm so confused by this whole situation.

"What are you talking about?"

"I guess daddy didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"Your dear old father has been owing us some money for a while now. I guess he didn't tell you that he was broke either." Broke? How could this be? He's never mentioned that to me before. Here I am thinking that my parents were loaded. "We kindly lent him some money just to get him by, now it's a year later and he still hasn't payed us back. We need that money, sweetie."

"W-We?" I asked, scared that there might be more of them. How many vampires were there? "What do you mean?"

I chuckled evilly, showing his sharp, white fangs. "You don't want to know. Trust me." I'll take that as there is more.

"I- I want to go home." I stammered, knowing that he wasn't going to let me go that easy.

"I don't think so. This will teach your father not to forget." He opened his mouth and slowly brought his teeth closer to my neck.

"No! Please, no!" I screamed, hoping that someone would hear me. I quickly kicked him in the genital area before he could get any closer, he let go of me as he keeled over in pain.

"You bitch!" He shouted. I was about to begin running, but he grabbed my ankle as I took my first step. I screamed in agony as I stumbled to the floor, twisting my ankle. I got up before him and stood on his hand to get him off my ankle. It was hard to run with a twisted ankle, but I tried my best to do so not going that fast. The pain was unbearable when I put pressure onto it.

When I was coming towards the exit of the alleyway, I saw a very familiar figure standing at the entrance. "Brendon!" I screamed. He slowly looked up at me, then showed his teeth making a hissing noise. My eyes widened realizing that he was one of them. To get away from him, I turned around to go the other way. I only ended up coming face to face with that other vampire. I screamed in shock and in terror, knowing that I had no other way to go. I turned around again to face Brendon, he was running down the alleyway towards me, so I shielded myself with my arms ready to feel him pounce on me or something. Instead of him pouncing on me, he ran passed me and tackled the other vampire to the ground.

He wasn't trying to hurt me. He was trying to save me.
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I liked this chapter. Maybe it was because I actually wrote about Brendon in vampire form.
Are you happy that he's a friendly vampire? I am. It's a kind of sexy actually.
Love you lots like jelly tots, Mel xxx