The Words You Speak Are A Curse That I Love

this could take a while

Jamie casually placed his hands on the table slightly leaning towards me, keeping his voice low. “Cassie… everything im about to tell you is secret. You shouldn’t know any of what im about to tell you. If anyone ever asks, you don’t know anything, ok?”

I held his gaze steadily, noticing the hint of urgency in the back of his eyes, if you really looked. “Sure thing Jamie. I can keep a secret,” I said casually with a smile. Little did I know how much trouble that little promise would get me in, and all for the boy I loved? I sighed delighted to gaze upon those beautiful eyes. Jamie snapped his fingers in front of my face, waking me up from my little lala land visit.

“Cassie seriously, you need to take this seriously! Really this is important. Please pay attention” he pleaded desperately, so I did. Sitting up straight, all seriousness on my face I listened as he started his little story.
“My family history dates all the way back to Roman times. In those times many people were selfish and obsessed with immortality. Every body, and I mean everybody, wanted to be immortal. A man from my mother’s side also wanted to be immortal and back then he had good reason to be. His name was Athanasius and he was a wealthy trader who owned a big mansion with many servants and slaves. He also made some of the best wine in all of Italy. He had a daughter, a wife and three sons, all of who's, except for the eldest son, name’s had been lost in a fire about 2 years later during a raid. I guess you could think of Athanasius as odd considering that his name came from the word Athanasios, meaning immortal in Latin.” Jamie laughed quietly to himself. Apparently there was some kind of inside joke going on that I didn’t know about. I watched him laugh. Watched his mind wander through memories that I could feel I would never understand. Patiently I waited for him to continue and closed my eyes enjoying the perfect ring in his voice. He took a quick few gulps of coffee and continued.
“Anyway this man Athanasius, was so obsessed with immortality that he was ready to give, do or pay anything to get it. After months of searching the dark tattered allies of Rome’s filthiest class, he heard about a tribe way up north at the top of Italy that was said to have people that could live for times the life time of a single human man. Of course Athanasius being Athanasius, he jumped on the lead immediately. Setting out days later for the mountain civilization they called Kansiue that lived up in the Alps in the northern part of Italy.
He gave everything away to his eldest son Ursinus, meaning bear-like, and set off on his journey. Upon arriving at the Kansiue mountain tirbe one month later, he found that indeed they did seem to live a very long time. Quickly after being welcomed, they were a gentle people who weren’t accustomed to visitors; he began to ask how they all stayed so young. The people wouldn’t tell him though; they were very secretive about it. Finally after many tries, he was able to get a little girl, no older than what looked like eight but was actually around fifty years old...” Jamie reached under his coat and pulled out a tattered and very old journal that had Athanasius scrawled in the center of the brown leather cover. Very carefully I opened it up and read the first two lines, looked up hesitantly and asked “what is this?”
Jamie smiled looking at my confusion, until he glanced behind me cauing his smile to fade. He was all serious business again. “The book belonged to Athanasius. This is just a restored version, the real version is unreadable now, but this journal explaines and describes every part of his trip in acute detail. That’s how I know so much about his journey, I read the whole things. I just thought you’d want to know how I knew so much about it, and now im telling you this is how. This journal is how.
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im soo soo soooo sorry !!!!! I KNO ITS BEEN LIKE FOREER SINCE THE LAST TIME I UPDATED IM SORRY TO ALL MY READERS BUT heres a new chapter and the next one will have vampires in it :) nut just hinting to them, theyll lactually be there!!! yyayaya. sorry this chapters so short.