If I Only Had the Heart


It was now lunch and both Mikey and Frank sat staring disgusted at the pair in front of them. Gerard and Zacky had grown fond of each other rather quickly and neither Frank or Mikey were too ecstatic about that.

Mikey didn’t like how someone other than him was gaining Gerard’s attention and Frank on the other hand, just wants Mikey to be happy. Although Frank wasn’t to fond of his cousin getting too close to Gerard either, I mean he still was very much so attracted to the elder Way brother.

Gerard and Zacky continued to flirt innocently across the field and Gerard was engrossed in the boy in front of him that he didn’t notice his brother and Frank were staring straight at them. Zacky noticed and this of course fueled his fire.

He already found Gerard so intriguing that if it weren’t for the fact that he just met him and they were in public he’d probably jump his bones right now. Zacky knew that even though his cousin was dating Mikey he had a thing for Gerard. He could just see it in the way the two acted when they were around each other.

Plus Hayley had told him that if he wanted Gerard he’d have to step his game up since he had some competition. He had no clue who she meant when she told him that but assumed it was Frank since he was always flirting with everybody.

“Hey guys!” Frank plopped down next to his cousin, his three best friends in tow. “Hope you don’t mind we decided we’d sit with you guys today.” he had a big smile plastered on his face.

“Of course not!” Zacky exclaimed. This was his chance to possibly figure out what was going on between Mikey, Gerard and Frank. He scooted over so now they were in a big circle. Frank had squeezed himself between Zacky and Gerard and Mikey sat to the left of his brother. Next to Mikey was Ray then Bob and Ryan and Brendon was next to Zacky. Ryan was begging Brendon to switch with him because Bob scared him but Brendon just told him to hush.

“OMG! A picnic? We wanna join!” Hayley came out of nowhere pulling Vicky behind her. She her way between Zacky and Frank. “Hey Zacky,” she purred and he smiled back. “This is Victoria.” she pointed.

“Yes but call me that and you die, I go by Vicky.” she spoke up at her seat next to Hayley. “Oh and hey guys.” she waved at everyone. They all said hello in unison. “How’s life been?” she turned to Frank “I never see you guys anymore.”

“Oh you know.. The same I guess.” he smiled and she broke out in a long rant. Absentmindedly he occasionally nodded his head and laughed when she laughed but he was really listening to what was going on around him. From what he observed he guessed, Hayley was trying to get in his cousins pants although Zacky was clearly uninterested. He heard her say something about Gerard and kissing.

You know he kissed Gerard… He kissed Gerard. Kissed Gerard.

Who kissed Gerard.. She couldn’t be talking about him, could she? Of course not… How would she know he kissed Gerard… She wouldn’t so she must be talking about someone else, but who?

Meanwhile, Brendon was chatting up Bob and Ray while Ryan cowered in fear and Frank heard his boyfriend and Gerard talking in hushed tones behind him. He could barely make out exactly what they were saying because of all the noise, but of course that’s what they wanted. He heard enough though.

“You still like Frank.”

It was a statement, not a question but he wasn’t sure who said it since the two were almost whispering and their voices sounded the same.

“-Don’t you think so Frank?” Vicky asked loudly knocking him out of his train of thought, but only for a second.

You know he kissed Gerard. It kept replaying in his head.

“Oh yeah.. Of course.” he nodded trying to act as if he was really listening. Vicky was really sweet and all but he had ulterior motives when coming over there and he wanted to put his plan into action.

You still like Frank. It was mocking him now.

“Frank what’s the matter…?” Vicky asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

“Nothing.. Why do you ask?” he laughed as if she asked a stupid question.



It was taunting him now.

“Because you just said ‘Yeah, of course’ to me castrating you and force feeding you dog kibble for the rest of you life.” he sighed hekissedgerard “Would you like to talk about it Frank?” he shook his head no, youstilllikefrank “Okay, well I’m always here if you wan-”

“OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP!” he screamed out at the voices in his head.

“What is it Frank?” Vicky asked, like how they’d ask Lassie where the fire was.

“It’s everything!” he busted into tears. “It’s Mikey, it’s Gerard, it’s Zacky and it’s Hayley! Those four are going to drive me to an early grave I swear!” he stood up to leave but decided last minute not to. Instead he kneeled in front of Hayley, “Who were you talking about?”

“Wha-What?” she didn’t know what to say.

“I heard you talking to Zacky about some guy kissing Gerard.. Who?”

“Oh Frank, it was no-”

“It was me wasn’t it?” he asked, tears flowing even harder out of his eyes now as realization hit him. Hayley just sat still and quiet for once “WASN’T IT?!” he yelled, causing her to jump back.

She nodded shyly “Yeah.. it was. I’m so sorry Frank-”

“Save it.” he turned around “I heard you two too.” he pointed to the Way brothers whose limbs were tangled in each others “But I really don’t want to know who said it…”

“Who said what?” Mikey asked from his spot basically on top of his brother. Frank shook his head no. “Tell me Frankie…” he continued trying to get it out of him.

He shook his head no again. Don’t they understand he was trying to cover their asses?! They already look highly suspicious fondling each other in public, there’s no need for him to make things worse. “Later,” he almost growled hoping he’d get the hint. Gerard’s eyes widened and he whispered something into his brother’s ear, seconds later Mikey nodded and silently thanked his boyfriend.

“I’m going to go bash my head against a wall or something… I probably won’t be back.” Frank mumbled and with that he stalked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Egadaz?! Was that what you thought it was?
Yes! It was a chapter! I finally posted.
So, I'm trying to get on track again. Thirteen is already almost done
So hopefully I can update normally again
Thanks to everyone who stuck with me through all this, I love you guys!
Oh yes and there's a BIG reason why there is so much repetitiveness in this chapter.
Just stick with me and you'll find out soon. :)