If I Only Had the Heart


Mikey hopped around in his seat the whole car ride to school, excited to see his best friend Frank. He’d always wondered when he became addicted to Frank. Everything he did, said, wore looked at the whole nine yards, Mikey was just obsessed as much as he didn’t want to admit it. Every waking second of his life the word ‘Frank’ went off repeatedly in the back of his head. He knew this wasn’t normal, probably not even healthy but he didn’t give a damn. He just wanted to spend all the time he could with his friend.

As soon as the car stopped he jumped out and ran to where he and his friends always hung out, by one of light fixtures that hung out toward the side of the school overlooking the football field. He didn’t care that he almost ran into a tree making his way over there, all he cared about was Frank which was why his friend was on the ground now and he was on top him a lopsided grin taking up most of his face. “FRANKIE!” he screeched.

“Well it’s always nice to see you too, Mikey!” Frank laughed underneath his friend “Now if you would excuse me, you’re kind of crushing my balls” he noted aloud.

“Oh sorry,” Mikey blushed and stood, reaching a hand out to help Frank up.

“Wow I never get any awesome greetings like that,” Ryan, another one of Mikey’s friends spoke up. “But that’s okay, I understand you guys have known each other since like birth and it’s hard to be apart from each other for just one night,” he over exaggerated, like always.

“Oh don’t be so bitter, Ryan.” Mikey pulled him in a hug before giving Brendon, his other friend, a hug too. He shifted over towards Frank and stood awkwardly trying not to openly gawk at his friend when someone cleared their throat.

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the emitted noise.

“Uh, hey… guys” Gerard waved, standing uneasily in front of everyone.

“What, you don’t have any friends of your own Way?” Frank smirked and Gerard tried his hardest not rip that kid limb from limb right then and there. Sure Frank might have been kidding but Gerard didn’t care if he was, he didn’t believe they were close enough friends (hell, not friends at all) for him to joke with him like that.

“Actually,” Gerard said through gritted teeth “I came to give my brother his bag, that he left in my car” he practically threw the bag at Mikey and turned to leave but stopped when Frank made the next statement.

“Oh he must’ve forgotten it when he ran over to hug -- no I’m sorry I mean practically attack me!” Frank involuntarily blurted out and mentally slapped himself across the face for doing so afterward seeing the look on Gerard’s face.

Gerard looked like wanted to kill him, which in all actuality he really did and it turned Frank on like crazy. It’s one of the main reasons why he says shit like that, to get Gerard all hot and bothered because he seemed to not like it too much when Frank got more attention from Mikey than he did.

“Well next time while he’s fucking attached to you remind him to get his shit out of my car, will ya?!” Gerard yelled before stomping away mumbling obscenities which were all directed to Frank. Frank on the other hand stood there laughing at how mad he got over the stupidest things.
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in case you haven't noticed
the whole thing is written in third person
or at least, that's my attempt at writing in third person
anyways, one again, enjoy!