The New Girl

The Dance

“Hey Mione.” Arabella said walking into the library.

“Hey where did you go after class?” Hermione asked looking up from her book.

“I tried to get away from everyone and write, but Draco found me… or rather I think he followed me, but I was too tired to have a fight.” She said rubbing her head.

“You have a headache?” Hermione asked.

“Hardly… I’m tired is all.” Arabella answered.

“Well go take a nap before dinner. I’ll wake you up.” She ordered.

“Alright Mione see ya later.” She said standing up to make her way to her room.
“And it’s as easy as that.” Arabella said the next morning showing her how do to the ‘straightening spell’.

“Wow! That’s amazing!” Hermione said touching her straight hair.

“This is eyeliner, your new best friend.” She said holding a little pen in her hand. She applied just a tad, and some mascara, and some blush. “Perfect.” She said taking a step back.

“Thanks Bella.” Hermione said hugging her.

“No problem honey.” She replied. “Now go knock em dead.” She added shooing her out.

“Bye!” She said walking out the door.
“Hey good job on Granger.” Draco said walking up to her. “She doesn’t look half the mudblood she is.” He added.

Arabella turned quickly and slapped him. “Don’t ever use that word around me ever again do you understand me?” She said fire in her violet eyes. He just nodded rubbing his cheek. “Good now would you rephrase that for me?” She asked continuing to walk.

“She doesn’t look half bad.” He mumbled. “Sit with me at breakfast.” He changed the subject.

“No thanks.” She answered.

“Come on Ara.” He said grabbing her elbow. “Please?” He asked.

“No Draco. Please release me.” She ordered.

“Not until you give me a reason.” He said brining his face close to hers.

“Because I don’t want to.” She said gritting her teeth. “You’re hurting me.” She added.

He let her go, and she rubbed her elbow. He noticed it was starting to bruise. He hadn’t held her that tightly.

“Please just leave me alone.” She said walking away.

Draco shook his head. Why wouldn’t she let him in?
“Hey Bella!” Harry called as she walked into the great hall.

“Hey Harry.” She greeted.

“You seen Mione?” Ron asked. “She looked amazing.” He added.

“Really Ron?” Arabella asked raising an eyebrow. “Why don’t you tell her?” She asked.

Ron blushed. “Hey guys.” Hermione said sitting down. Ron stared at her. “Yes Ron?” She asked blushing slightly.

“You look stunning.” He said simply. Hermione blushed again.


Arabella smiled and looked up to catch Draco’s stare. She narrowed her violet eyes at him. He smirked and turned to his friends.
Arabella was in ‘defense against the dark arts’ a couple days later when she heard her name called. “…and Draco.” Snape added.

She stood up. Draco smirked at her. “I’ll go easy.” He said.

Arabella rolled her eyes. “Don’t hold your breath.” They stood at opposite ends of the classroom. Snape gave them the okay. “Expelliarmus!” Arabella yelled disarming him before he could blink. “Stupefy!” She added.

She smirked as he fell backwards. Snape fixed him, and Draco glared at her. She smiled sweetly at him. “Was that going easy on me?” She asked.

Draco rolled his eyes and went back to his place.

“Good job Arabella!” Hermione said as she stood next to her.

She smiled. “Thanks.”
“That was pretty good Marque.” Draco said after class.

“Thanks Drake you were a good partner.” She said.

“You going to the dance?” He asked casually.

“No and I don’t plan to.” She answered.

“Why not?” Draco asked.

“Because I’m not into that kind of thing.” She answered.

“But you’re from California isn’t everyone there into partying?” He asked.

“Nope.” She answered.

“So what are you going to do?” He asked.

She shrugged. “Who knows?” She answered.

“Would you go if someone asked?” He asked.

“Probably not.” She answered.

“Why?” He asked.

“Why do you care so much?!” She yelled stopping to face him.

“Because I’m trying to get to know you, but you’re not letting me! I’m not as horrible as you think I am!” He said.

“I don’t think you’re horrible.” She said softly.

“Then why won’t you let me in?” He asked. She stared at him. His face sincere and his eyes pleading were with hers.

She shook her head. “I can’t.” She whispered.

“Why not?” He asked gently taking her hands in his.

“Because I don’t want to hurt you.” She answered.

“Hurt me? How?” He asked squeezing her hands.

She stared at him her violet eyes firm. “If I go with you to the dance will you promise not to fall in love with me?” She asked.

He snorted. “I promise.” He answered.

“Alright I’ll go with you.” She said. “Can you please let go of my hands?” She added.

“Sure… sorry.” He said. Draco watched her rush away.
The day of the danced dawned bright and cheerful. It was a Saturday so that meant no school, and free dress. Arabella got up quickly and pulled on her grey skinny jeans, a long white tank top, and a tight long sleeved purple shirt. She hopped downstairs. “Hello gang.” She said sitting down.

“Hey Bella.” Hermione greeted. “You going to the dance?” She asked. Arabella nodded. “With?”

“Draco.” Arabella answered.

Harry and Ron stopped mid-chew. “Are you crazy? Why?” Hermione asked.

“Because he wouldn’t stop harassing me… and he isn’t that bad a person.” She said.

“Yeah, and the Dark Lord loves pink flowers and kittens!” Ron said.

Arabella smiled. “Come on guys give me a break.” She said pushing her golden hair behind her ear.

“It’s your funeral.” Harry said.

“Then ya all better come.” She replied. Hermione laughed.
“You ready?” Arabella asked Hermione that night before they made their grand appearance. She took a deep breath.


“Mione you look great! Ron’ll love you!” She encouraged. She was wearing a long red silk halter dress her hair was in soft curls, and her face glowed. “Go on!” Arabella said pushing her forward.

“Ay mate there’s Arabella.” Goyle said to Draco. He turned to see her come down the stairs, and caught his breath. She was wearing a light purple dress falling just under her knees; her hair had been curled, and pulled away from her face, her bangs falling nicely into her bright eyes. He smiled at her, and took her hand. She looked at him.

“You don’t look half bad.” Was the first thing she said. He was wearing a black tux with and a purple tie. “Purple: my favorite color.” She said fixing his tie.

“I know.” He said. She looked up at him his grey eyes penetrating hers. She sucked in her breath.

“Shall we?” He asked holding his elbow out.

“Of course.” She replied taking his elbow. They walked into the great hall, and people gasped.

Arabella blushed. “Why are they staring at us?” She asked.

“Because they’re jealous.” He answered. She laughed.

“Of course.” She rolled her eyes.

They entered the dance floor. Draco took her hand, and the other he placed on her waist. Arabella gently placed her hand on his shoulder. After a while of silent dancing Arabella smirked at him.

“Who knew Draco Malfoy can dance.” She teased her violet eyes sparkling.

He shrugged brining her closer. Fear entered her eyes. “Relax Ara I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered in her ear.

She relaxed and placed her head in the space between his shoulder and neck. Nothing felt so right to Draco. They danced a couple more songs.

“I’m thirsty Draco.” Arabella said. Draco felt her warm breath on his neck. He took her hand in his, and led her to the drinks. “Thanks.” She said downing the drink. He smiled at her. “What?” She asked.

“Just watching you.” He answered.

“Well stop!” She said blushing slightly.

“You blushing?” He asked.

“No!” She said looking down blushing more.

“Yes you are.” He lifted her chin with his finger. She swatted his hand away. The dance continued and they danced for most of it, and then afterwards Draco walked Arabella to her room.

“Thanks for tonight.” She said at her door.

“You’re welcome.”

“I’ll see you later Drake.” She said disappearing into her room.
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well what did you think? i hope ya all like it!