The New Girl

Time at Hogwarts

“Hey Ara! Can I ask you a question?” Draco asked a couple days later.

“I don’t know can you?” She teased.

He rolled his eyes. “Could you tutor me?” He asked looking at his feet.

Arabella gasped playfully. “The Draco Malfoy needs my help? I’m shocked.” She teased.

Draco rolled his eyes. “Well can you?” He asked.

“Sure I guess. In?” She asked.

“Arithmancy.” He replied.

“Alright I’ll meet you in the library tonight.” She said.

“Thanks… and Ara?” Draco called. She stopped and turned to him. “You look beautiful today.” He said sincerely.

Arabella rolled her eyes, smiled and turned to continue walking. She looked at her feet blush overtaking her face. She shook her head before she sat down and pulled her notebook out.

'Draco is such a charmer. The dance was very enjoyable, and he flirts shamelessly with me. But that’s not any different than most of the 6th years here. I’m not leading Draco on in anyway… at least I hope not. I can’t afford to hurt him more than I undoubtedly will.'
“What are you doing here?” Hermione’s voice was heard.

Draco looked up from the book he had. “Are you that dumb Granger? I’m reading.” He answered turning his attention back to the book.

“That was rude Draco.” Another voice scolded. Draco’s ears heated up with embarrassment. He looked up and found Arabella looking at him disapprovingly. He sighed. “I’m sorry Granger.” He mumbled.

“It’s okay.” She said. Arabella sat down.

“What are you doing?” Hermione asked Arabella.

“I’m tutoring Draco.” She answered.

Hermione stifled a giggle. “Really?” She asked. “And in what?” She asked.

“Arithmancy.” She answered opening her book.

“Have fun.” Hermione said and she stalked off.

Arabella gave him some exercises, and Draco started working. A girl shouldn’t have such power over me! I mean I’m Draco Malfoy for Merlin’s sake! But when she looked at me like that I couldn’t help but to make her happy again. He snuck a peek at her. She was reading her lips moving as she silently read. Her violet eyes scanned the page; then those beautiful eyes focused on him. He smirked, and she shook her head, and pointed to the paper. He smiled, which was happening a lot lately, and worked on the exercises.

“Miss Marque I have a question.” He said awhile later.

She rolled her head to look at him. “And what’s that Mr. Malfoy.” She played along.

“What do I do here?” He asked showing him the paper.

“Oh… okay here let me help you.” She said leaning forward till Draco could feel her breath on him. He looked at her and watched her talk. “Get it?” She asked looking up. Her eyes went wide as she realized how close they were. Fear entered her eyes.

“Yeah I get it.” He said softly.

“Good.” She breathed moving away from him.
Another week crept by and Draco saw more and more of Arabella and each time she opened increasingly. Though Draco could tell there was always a wall that stopped her from becoming totally comfortable with him, like she was scared of him. And every time they talked for too long she acted as if she was trying to get away from him. But since she made no move to completely remove him from her life he didn’t pursue his troubling thoughts.

“Draco!” Her beautiful voice was heard through the halls. He turned and looked at her nonchalantly.

“Yes Bells?” He asked.

Her face was red. “Gee I don’t know… I wonder what I found in my room today!” She said.

“And what was that?” He asked smirking at her.

“Violets! How did you know?” She asked.

“Know what?” He asked.

“How did you know they’re my favorite?” She asked.

“I guess… when I saw them they reminded me of your eyes so I got them for you.” He answered. Instead of the ‘aw’ and hug he expected she just looked angry. “Why do you look angry?” He asked getting frustrated.

“Because I don’t want you to…” She trailed off.

“To what?” He growled. “Do nice things for you?” He asked getting angry.

“Yes.” She said softly.

“Why?! Any other girl would love the attention I’m giving you.”

“Well I’m not any other girl… so stop.” She said before she turned to walk away.

He grabbed her elbow and pulled her against him. She felt his breath against her face. “Why can’t you just let me in?” He asked softly.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” She answered.

“What do you mean?” He asked holding her tighter.

She looked up at him tears in her perfect eyes. “Please let me go you you’re hurting me.” She whispered.
Draco loosened his grip, but didn’t let go. “I don’t understand.” He said.

Then her eyes clouded over, and she went limp in him arms. “Arabella?” He asked. He picked her up. She passed out. “Bells?” He asked shaking her gently. Draco was shocked she just passed out. He quickly walked to the hospital wing.

“What happened Mr. Malfoy?” Madam Pomfrey asked rushing over.

“I don’t know we were talking and she just passed out.” Draco answered gently placing her in the bed.

“I’ll take her. Go on to your classes.” She said shushing him out. Draco took one looked to the girl and walked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOW she fainted!! But why?? HAHA Find out soon!
and please tell me what you think! Thanks