The New Girl


The next day Draco walked into charms rather early. He couldn’t stay in his room he was worried for Arabella. He stopped shocked to see her golden brown hair sitting where she usually does.

“What are you doing here? Are you alright?” He asked standing in front of her desk.

She looked up her eyes bright like usual. “Yes I’m fine. What’s with you?” She asked looking at him weirdly.

“Well you fainted yesterday, and now you’re in class like nothing.” He said studying her.

“Oh that! I hadn’t eaten, and I fainted from… using too much energy.” She answered brushing it off like nothing. But Draco wasn’t finished.

“Why didn’t you eat?” He asked crossing his arms.

“I wasn’t hungry.” She answered her eyes daring him to ask another question.

“Why weren’t you hungry?” He asked.

“Because I wasn’t!” She yelled exasperated. Draco narrowed his eyes at hers. “What do you want me to say Draco?” She asked.

What did he want her to say? “How do you like the violets?” He smirked wanting to see the fire in her eyes. It was her turn to narrow her eyes at him.

“They’re fine. Thank you.” She replied. The class began to fill, and Draco slipped to his seat letting yesterday’s incident’s leave his mind.

“Hey Bells!” Draco called to her as she walked away from the class. She kept walking. “Hey Ara hold up.” He said.

“Why? So you can harass me again?” She asked over her shoulder.

“Harass you? I’m just worried about you.” He said finally catching up to her.

“Don’t you have your own problems to worry about? Instead of worrying about me?” She asked stopping to face him.

“Well yeah, but I care about you Ara.” He said sincerely.

A part of Arabella’s heart melted. “Well that’s nice Drake, but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.” She said patting his shoulder.

And she turned and walked away. Draco watched her. “Hey we still on for tonight?” He called. She turned slightly.

“Same time, same place.” Was her answer. He smiled. They had a weird relationship, but he was happy to be in her life.
“Alright…” Arabella said sitting down. “Did you finish the exercises I gave you the other day?” She asked looking at him.

“No.” He answered.

“Finish them.” She ordered.

He nodded, and they both worked in silence. He peeked a look at her. She was looking forward a glazed look in her eyes. He smirked; she totally zoned out.

“Bells?” He asked waving in front of her face.

“Hmm?” She asked snapping her gaze to him.

“Help me?” He asked.

“With what?” She asked leaning forward to look at the paper. “Okay do this.” She said explaining it.

“Oh shoot!” Arabella exclaimed.

“What?” Draco asked.

“I have to go!” She said standing up.

“Why?” Draco asked.

“Because I have to.” She replied picking her stuff up.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Somewhere! I gotta go!” She said leaving.

“Oi mate you are whipped.” Blaise said sitting down after she left.

“What? I am not.” He replied.

“Dude when’s the last time you insulted Granger? Picked on first years? Did anything Slytherin-y?” He asked.

Draco shrugged. “I’m not into it anymore.” He said.

“Why?” Blaise asked.

“Because Arabella doesn’t…” He stopped himself. “Have I really gone that far?”

“Yes you have.” Blaise answered. “It’s kinda sick. You were the Slytherin god, and now you’re a wuss.” He added.

“I am not a wuss.” Draco growled punching him.

“Whatever.” Blaise said walking away.
It was true Draco had changed. He was no longer a Death Eater ever since he helped Potter defeat Voldemort, and he had changed but not as much as he thought. But thinking about it he didn’t find as much pleasure as he did earlier in picking on others. Ever since Arabella turned those angry violet eyes on him, he didn’t find it fun anymore. He shook his head and walked to the dungeons.

He flopped on the couch. “Crabbe have I changed?” He asked looking at him.

“Mate you’re whipped.” He snorted. Draco glared at him, his steal grey eyes burning. “I mean no! No! You haven’t.” He answered shaking his head.

“See I’ve still got it.” He smirked. “Come on I bet the first years are fooling around outside before dinner.” He added standing up an old fire burning in his eyes.
He didn’t want to look like a wuss in front of his mates. Crabbe and Goyle smiled, and followed their leader.
Arabella wiped her eyes hurriedly and walked towards Great Hall leaving behind any evidence of crying. She put a happy face on and walked towards her friends. “Hey people. Excited for the Hogsmeade tomorrow?” She asked sitting.

“Yeah! I always love going there.” Hermione answered.

Arabella smiled at her. She’d gotten used to making herself look more beautiful. Her hair was in smooth curls, and her eyes shined.

She sat down and unconsciously scanned the Slytherien table for those steal grey eyes, but they weren’t there. Their food appeared and they ate talking happily.

The Great Hall doors flew open and in walked the Slytherin Prince, Crabbe, and Goyle. Everyone stopped and stared as they sat down and began eating. Crabbe and Goyle glared at everybody, and they went back to their food.

“Malfoy just has to make his grand entrance.” Ron grumbled.

Hermione shook her head. “Some things just never change.” She added.

Arabella studied Draco. Something was different. Then his steal grey eyes focused on her. There was something different in his eyes. She turned from his confusing gaze, and entered the conversation.

“Stop staring at the girl.” Blaise ordered.

Draco glared at him. “I am a Malfoy I can do whatever I please.” He sneered. Blaise shrank back, and Draco smirked. “Next time you tell me how to live my life or insult me I will personally make sure you can never speak again are we clear?” He asked.

“Of course Draco.” Blaise answered not looking at him. Crabbe and Goyle smirked. Draco Malfoy was back.
After dinner Arabella was in the library. “Hey Marque its Friday don’t you have anything better to do than to study?” She looked up and there stood Draco.

“Marque? Since when do you call me from my last name?” She asked. Draco shrugged. “And no I don’t really have anything better to do.” She added. She stared at him.

His face was stone cold, and his eyes showed no emotion. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“You seem different.” She specified. Draco shrugged again. “Well if you’ll excuse me I’d rather be other places.” And she got up to leave.

With one confusing glance back she left. Draco watched her go, and looked at the books she’d been studying. It was something about muggle medicine. He didn’t even give it a second glance as he left the library.

“What’s wrong with Draco?” Arabella asked Hermione.

She looked at her, and shrugged. “I don’t know, and frankly I don’t really care… but for your sake what’s he doing?”

“Well he just seems different. More arrogant I guess.” She answered.

“Ah your first glance at the real Malfoy.” Hermione smiled. “Get used to it. We all did.” She added. Arabella shook her head, and tried to get Draco out of her thoughts. After all the less people she had contact with the better.
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ohhh the mystery depends in Arabella's life... what's wrong woth her? Hmmm you'll have to read and find out. Oh and please comment thanks!