The New Girl


A long tiring month went by, and Arabella found out just who Draco really was. He was a mean, heartless, rude brute with no concern to other people’s feelings. Though he did nothing to offend her, she was still a front-row witness to everything. Draco never talked to her, and was found in the company of Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy. Arabella shook it off, he was out of her life, and yet she felt sad sometimes. He always made her laugh, but this was better she told herself.

She sat down in the Great Hall, and searched the crowd for Draco. Her eyes found his, and for a second something flashed into his emotionless eyes: sadness? Regret? She couldn’t tell, maybe it was a trick of the light. She blinked, and he wasn’t looking at her anymore. “Ara? Are you okay?” Hermione asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. I’m actually not hungry I’m going for a walk.” She replied standing up.

Arabella walked outside enjoying the rare bright sun. “Hey Marque.” Draco’s emotionless voice called.

She turned. There he stood a scowl on his face. She sighed. “What?” He shrugged.

“Nothing… why aren’t you eating?” He asked.

She scoffed. “Why do you care…Malfoy?” She spat.

He stepped back. Her violet eyes were angry and hard. “What’s your problem?” He asked.

“My problem? What’s yours?” She almost yelled.

“I don’t have a problem.” He replied getting in her face.

She scoffed again. “Suddenly you stopped talking to me… you start giving other people hell… not like I care. I’m glad you’re out of my life…” She glared at him. “Less collateral damage.” She mumbled.

“Exactly! Why are you acting like a broom’s stuck up your bum? You’re the one who always wanted me to stop talking to me, and now I have!” He yelled.

Arabella stuttered with a response.

“So you don’t want me out of your life.” Draco stated smugly raising an eyebrow.

“I do! It’s just… no warning? Just out of the blue you’re treating me like I don’t exist!” she answered fighting a war of emotions.

Draco ran a hand through his hair. “You’re like a freakin’ roller coaster ride! Ever since we met you’ve been like this! One day we’re good the next I have to stay on my toes to please you… I’m so done with this!” He yelled.

“So you’re giving up just like that?” Arabella glared at him, and shook her head. “Figures just like everybody else.” She turned to walk away.

“What are you talking about?” Draco asked catching her elbow, and pulling her back.

“What does it matter? I’m a freakin’ roller coaster ride; you’re done with me.” She retorted trying to pull herself free.

“It matters.” Draco said through clenched teeth. “You may be a roller coaster ride, but you’re the first person I’ve ever felt this way before. You drive me mad, but I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.” It was so evident what Draco was trying to say. “I love you Arabella Marque.”

She shook her head. “I told you not to… you promised. I can’t do this... I can’t hurt you.” She whispered.

Arabella was silenced by Draco’s lips. She reacted instantly pulling him closer by his head, his hands brought her hips closer. Then she went limp in his arms, and he pulled away to look at her. She fainted. He stared at her confused before lying her down softly. After a second she opened her violet eyes.

“Arabella are you okay?” He asked breathlessly.

She looked around confused, and stood up with the help of Draco. “Yeah I’m fine…” She touched her lips they were tingling slightly.

Draco decided not to push the reason she fainted. She didn’t seem to like that last time. “You keep saying I’ll get hurt but I don’t understand… why would I get hurt?” He asked his face softening.

Arabella looked up at him tears in her violet eyes: hurt and pain were written all over her face. “You can’t love me Drake.” She whispered.

Draco got angry again. “Well there’s nothing I can do about it! You know what I think? I think the real reason you’re pushing me away is because you love me too, and you’re scared.” He yelled.

She shook her head the tears threatening to fall. “I’m dying Draco…” She closed her eyes, and Draco froze. “They can’t do anything about it.”

Draco’s hand slipped from her elbow, and she walked away leaving him behind.
She was dying? No that couldn’t be possible, she was right there! So vibrant, and lifelike! It couldn’t be! Arabella and death shouldn’t even be in the same sentence! It felt like Draco’s world was crashing down around him. His reputation no longer meant anything to him. So what if the guys thought he was a wuss? He couldn’t lose Arabella.

Suddenly all her warnings, all her mood swings made sense. She knew ever since she started Hogwarts she was dying. She knew if she got close to anyone they’d end up hurt in the end. She tried to protect him, protect him if he got too close to her. But it was too late Draco was in love with her, nothing could change that. He made a promise saying he wouldn’t fall in love with her, but even then he was falling for her. Nothing could prevent the way he felt, never.

He found his strength and followed her. She wouldn’t go through this alone. He would be there for her, he would save her.
He found her in the same place she was when he first followed her. Tears flowed freely from her violet eyes, darkened by her mood.

“Ara?” He asked softly.
She looked up swiftly, and quickly looked away. “Go away Draco.” She whispered half-heartedly.

“You know I can’t do that.” He said just as quiet sitting next to her.
She didn’t look at him. “I can’t let you get hurt Draco… you can’t love me.”

Draco shook his head. “When will you see? I can’t stop loving you…”

She looked at him, her eyes unreadable. “You don’t understand how much you mean to me. This whole month I’ve been trying to get you out of my mind, but I just couldn’t. I can’t. You’re all I think about, all I dream about, all I want.” He said taking her face in his.

“Draco.” She breathed.

“I’m going to be here Bells. I’m going to go through this with you. You’re not going to get rid of me. You need me almost as much as I need you.” He said.

She closed her eyes, and new tears flowed from her eyes. “I love you too.” She breathed.
Draco’s heart flew to the sky, and a weird sensation filled his stomach. Absolute joy filled his every being making him buzz. He smiled a vibrate smile, and kissed her passionately.
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eh not that amazing but it's what i got!
PLEASE comment me!
and if anyone wants to make a banner for this i'd LOVE one!!