Status: Completed.

A Flower in a Field of Weeds

Set the Old Flame on Fire


Amity's Point of View
"Joe!" I whined. "You didn't have to tell them! They would have just secretly assumed we were dating. Now, we have to actually face the press. I am already sounding like a recording: "I love Joe. I love Joe." like a silly fan girl." He chuckled. "We did have to tell them sometime. You'll get used to it, I promise." he replied and kissed my cheek. "Now, onward to Urban Outfitters!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me forward into the store.

I'd never been able to actually buy anything here before but I'd always liked to look at the clothes. Now, I can really afford things! When we entered the store, though, I wasn't thinking about the clothes.

There he was, leaning his bored face on his hand and waiting at the cash register. Jared; my first love. He wasn't even looking in my direction but, as if he sensed my presence, he looked up at me, his blue eyes wide. He immediately straightened up and jumped over the counter to greet me. "Amity?" he whispered, hugging me.

I couldn't speak. "Uh. Someone you want to introduce me to?" Joe suggested as I stood limply in Jared's arms. Jared pulled himself from me to take a quick glance at Joe and his eyes grew wide again. I snapped out of my daze and choked, "This is Jared. This is Joe." My hands gestures crazily, not making it very clear who Joe was and who Jared was but they knew who they were.

Both boys had unreadable expressions on their faces. "Joe Jonas- From the Jonas Brothers?" Jared asked. I found it odd because I never imagined he'd listen to anything like the Jonas Brothers. Joe nodded. "I've seen your band everywhere." Jared muttered. "Apparently, you guys are a big deal." The way he said it was a bit rude but I knew he meant well.

Joe nodded. "Yeah. We are." he replied, his tone a mixture between frustration and uncertainty. "So, how do you know my girlfriend?" My face grew hot. I knew this wouldn't end well. "G-Girlfriend?" Jared stuttered, his gaze shifting to me. "Oh. You are dating him." he said to me and hesitated. "We've been friends since we were kids." he said to Joe.

Joe's arm slid around my waist and he muttered, "Well, we better get back to what we were doing." I was extremely surprised at how impolite Joe was being. It was unlike him. "W-Wait! Uh. Can I maybe call you sometime, Amity- I haven't seen you in a really long time-" Jared began. Joe dropped his arm and groaned inwardly.

"Are you honestly trying to make a move on my girlfriend while I am standing next to her?" he asked, his eyes intently concentrated on Jared. "Joe!" I muttered, punching his arm. He ignored me. "No, I wasn't. I was just trying to rekindle a friendship and, if you really felt comfortable in your relationship, you wouldn't consider an old flame such a threat." Jared countered, his voice harsh. I was honestly afraid there was going to be a fight. Jared is easily antagonized- But Joe wouldn't fight. I know him.

Joe's eyes narrowed. "An old flame?" he hissed. I winced. He was pissed. "8602358909!" I cried to Jared, dragging Joe out of the store. He was outraged. "You gave him your number!" he cried. "Joe-" "No, don't you 'Joe' me! You still like him, don't you?" he shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. I sighed. "Joe-" "I saw the way you looked at him and, more importantly, the way he looked at you. I am not losing you to someone who already lost you. If you think I am letting go that easily-" he began, frustrated.

I shut him up with a kiss and was finally able to say what I wanted to say. "Joe, I don't like him. He's just a friend. There is history there- not the kind you think but, nonetheless, history and I do miss him. He doesn't like me anymore, either. He broke up with me in the first place." I began, shoving the memory from my head before I could linger on it. "If I liked him, I wouldn't be sitting here trying to convince you how much I love you."

He sighed. "I guess so." he muttered. "But I still think he loves you."
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Comments? Banners? Suggestions? Jokes? :)

And, for the love of Pan, does anyone know how do put music on this thing?
I am so technically challenged.
