Status: Completed.

A Flower in a Field of Weeds

A Wingless Bird Won't Fly


Joe's Point of View (The next day)
"She dropped the label." Kevin murmured. "That completely messed up the tour. She became almost as big as us in the last few month. Dropping the label lost a lot of kids coming to our shows." he said. This was natural Kevin- not wanting to talk about anything personal; only business. He didn't want to talk about Amity's absence any more than I did. He wanted to plan ways to fix our tour. I, on the other hand, had a strong desire to drop the label, too, and just.. rot away.

"How could she do this? She had a responsibility to her career and, more importantly, her fans! All of those people who love her-" he cried, slamming his fist into the wall of the bus. "They needed her. They still do. I thought she loved music." What he meant was, "How could she do this? She had a responsibility to us. We love her- We needed her. We still do. I thought she loved us." Some of these thoughts rang in my head, too, but I knew the reasons behind most of them.

"And to you! To you, Joe! She just left! What did she say again?" he asked, flustered. I knew him well enough to know he was more upset than angry, though. He loved her. She was, after all, his "favorite sister-in-law"- His only sister-in-law.

My mind reeled back to her words, to the pain and to her face. I inhaled, deeply, to refresh myself of the thoughts. I didn't want to recall the way her lips felt on my cheek and how my face stung once they left. I didn't want to remember how she smiled or laughed or- her, in general. I sighed. "She said she was scared." I whispered, reluctantly.

"Scared." he repeated, Sotto voce and shook his head. "She was scared." He mimicked my sigh and sat down on his bunk. I, then, wondered where Nick was. He loved Amity more than Kevin did.

He cried once we finally convinced him she wasn't going to come back- that she left purposely without saying good bye to him or taking him out to see Quarantine like she'd promised. He wouldn't admit it to me if I'd asked but he did cry. I hated hearing it. I didn't want to hear him cry. It reminded me of the helplessness I felt hearing her cry that night. Helpless. It seems I am always helpless to those I love most.

"How are you holding up?" Kevin asked, awakening me from my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked, dumbly. "How are you holding up?" he repeated. I thought over his question. Of course, I was torn up. I didn't want to breathe without her. I didn't want to be here if she wasn't. I didn't want to talk about it, though. Words weren't going to help- not even if they were directed towards her. She made up her mind. "I am.. surprisingly, okay. I guess.. she wasn't meant for me." I lied, my heart tightening at the words. "She was never happy with me anyway." That was the truth.

Kevin eyed me skeptically for a moment and I concentrated on my muscles, attempting to make myself look exactly as an honest man would. I wasn't sure if it worked or not but Kevin accepted my answer. "What are you going to do when she comes back?" he asked, suddenly, staring at me intently. What?

"She won't." I replied, sure of myself. "Joe, come on. She needs you as much as you need her. She'll come back." he replied. He didn't see the look on her face; the certainty in her eyes. He just didn't understand. I sighed and chose not to argue. "I am not sure yet, Kev." I replied. I didn't want anymore questions. "I am going to find Nick.. make sure he is okay." I said, got up and left.

She needs you as much as you need her. Not anymore, apparently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Spazz. :]