Status: Completed.

A Flower in a Field of Weeds

Maybe This Time I Can Follow Through


Amity's Point of View
I looked down from his face and held my breath unwillingly, waiting for a response. "Is that rally all you have to say?" I heard. I looked up and began to argue but decided against it when I realized it wasn't Joe. His lips didn't move.

Suddenly, I was enveloped in a hug and recognized the feel of Kevin's arms around me. "What happened to you, Amity? Why did you leave?" he whispered into my hair. My eyes looked over his shoulders to Joe who knelt silently on the ground still not saying a word. He looked unhappy. I hated admitting it but he looked unhappy.

Maybe he felt my pain. Maybe he missed me as much as I missed him- No, that wouldn't be true, If he missed anyone, it would be the girl he thought I was; not me. I, however, knew him. I knew Joseph Adam Jonas; not Joe of the Jonas Brothers. It was him that I missed and not some fake celebrity. Maybe, I could show him who I really am. Maybe he'd appreciate the honesty and forgive me.

Naturally, I can't allow myself to show him the real me. I mean, what if he did forgive me? I'd end up finding some way to hurt him again because that is the real me. I break everything I touch. Jared can only tolerate me because he is exactly the same. However unhappy we are, we belong together. We depend on each other.

"I-" I began to answer Kevin. What was I suppose to say? Was I expected to spew to him the same speech I gave to Joe? Would he except my answer? "She just didn't like the pressure, Kevin." Joe said, surprising me with his words. He stood up."She's not a pop star."

Kevin pulled away from me in response and rolled his eyes. "Amity, we all knew this wasn't the exact thing for you. You hated the music you made and you hated making it. Still, there was a better way and you know that. Just come back- You don't have to come on tour with us or even back the Disney but don't shun us just because you are a bit different. We can help you get a record label somewhere else-" he began.

Jared's voice interrupted his. "Amity." he spoke, accusingly. "We're going to be late. Come on." Joe shot him a glare which he returned. Kevin furrowed his eyebrows together a bit sadly. "Late for what?" he asked. I coughed. "Roadrunner Records.." I whispered. Kevin nodded quietly and sighed, looking down. "Look, you know our number and we all really miss you. Call sometime. Please." he muttered and turned away.

Joe closed his eyes, shook his head in disappointment and said, "I know you better than you think I do, Amity. Can you honestly name a time when you felt wrong being with me?" he asked. I couldn't. Jared tightened his grip on my hand and muttered, "Shut up, Jonas." He didn't stop. "No, you can't. That's because you weren't pretending. You aren't a liar, Amity; You are just a diverse person. You like different things. You are different. I love you and you know that. And you know you love me back." he continued.

Jared growled, "Amity, come on." before moving his hand from my own and to my wrist, tugging slightly. I didn't move. I wanted to hear Joe's voice for longer. I wanted him to convince me. I wanted to be with him. "Just come back to me. I can prove it to you. I can make it all okay again." he whispered, taking a step closer to me. "I love you. Say it back." he whispered.

Suddenly, Jared released his grip on me and slammed his fist into Joe's face. I screamed and security pulled the two apart. Why didn't I see this coming? Jared always used to resort to violence. He hasn't changed. He'll never change.. And that's when I knew. He won't change but I have and maybe there is nothing wrong with that. I haven't lost who I was but I have improved; I've become better. And its all due to Joe. I had to sort all of this out.

First, though, I had to tell him. I looked back to Joe and whispered, "I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Joe. What a catch. :]