Status: Completed.

A Flower in a Field of Weeds

Sedemity Screening Party


Joe's Point of View
"Hey, Joe!" I heard Kevin call from behind me on our way back to our tents after the Babyface-off competition. I stopped so he could catch up to me. "Yeah?" I replied, fixing my sweat band. "Amity, Selena and Demi are throwing a sort of screening party in the yellow tent in an hour. Apparently, Amity has been discretely taking pictures of us over the last few days and Disney agreed to gather up pictures in the spirit of the Babyface-off stuff. Amity wants you to come." he said.

I examined him skeptically. "What do you think about her?" I asked him. "Amity? She's really cool." he said and shrugged. "Why?"

"No reason." I replied. "Yeah. I'll be there." He gave me a strange look and turned to leave. "Wait. Joe, you have a thing for Amity, don't you?" he asked. I was taken aback. I thought I'd been subtle. "Because, if so, I just want you to know that I don't like her like that. She's really great, though, and I think it would be cool to have her as a sister. Hint hint." he said and winked at me.

I laughed. "Its just a crush." I replied, unsure exactly what my feelings for her were. He shrugged again. "Well, maybe it will blossom." he said and headed off to his tent.

-An Hour Later- Amity's Point of View- (For once. :D)
"Alright, guys. This is the Sedemity Screening Party. Yeah, I know. The name is the most clever thing you've heard all day." I said, sarcastically. "Basically, Disney got some pictures of us all when we were kids and I took some during the last few days. Selena and I put some funky music in the backround and ta-da! We made a rad slide show. I hope you like it." I said, smiled and took a seat in between Demi and Joe.

Everyone clapped and Joe nudged me in the side. I turned to see his smiling face. God, he's gorgeous. I smiled back and turned my attention to the screen. If I'd stared at him for any longer, I was convinced I'd never be able to look away.

I have to say, Disney did a wonderful job at gathering pictures. Every single one was either hilarious or just completely adorable. They found pictures of Demi and I that I didn't even know existed. There was even one with Selena, Demi and I altogether which shocked me thoroughly because I'd only met Selena once before. Demi's mom took us to the park to play with her. Selena's mom was obsessed with taking pictures, though, so it made sense.

Once the slides how was over, everyone applauded and I forced Demi to go up and turn off the slide show because I was too embarrassed. "Hey, when did you and Demi meet?" Joe asked me. A confused expression laced his all to perfect features. "Well, Demi's birthday is a day before mine. My mom was..uhh. not the best parent so one of my childhood friends took me to Chuckie Cheese's for my eight birthday. I met Demi there because she was having her sixth birthday party on the same day. We just connected." I said and smiled. "So, you are 17?" he asked. I nodded. He seemed pleased.

My eyes wandered to Nick and Selena who were sitting snugly in front of Joe and I. I couldn't resist it. I leaned forward and whispered, "Nick and Selena sitting in a tree. Doing something that they shouldn't be." in a sing song voice. Selena started to laugh. "I could say the same about you and Joe." she whispered back. My face contorted into a confused expression. "Huh?" I asked.

Then, Nick leaned in, too. "What are we whispering about?" he whispered. "Shoes and makeup. Duh." Joe responded, appearing just as closely as Nick and Selena were. "What kind of shoes?" Demi whispered from my right. I burst into laughter. "You people are nosy." I said and chuckled. "Actually, we were talking about boob jobs. Selena and I both agreed that we need triple D's in order to blow Pamela Anderson out of the water." I lied.

Selena exploded into hysterical laughter and the others just stared at me with wide-eyes. "On second thought, we'd probably tip over." I said and pretended to think it over. They were all still staring. "You guys, I was kidding." I replied, shocked that they believed me. "Oh!" they all cried, enlightened. I rolled my eyes. Dorks.

"So, are you excited to perform tonight?" Joe asked me. (Yeah, Amity is going to replace Jordan Pruitt because..Well, I wanted her to..) I inhaled a sharp breath. "Oh, not really." I said. My voice became high-pitched and terrified. He chuckled. "You'll be fine, I am sure. Everyone is nervous their first real performance. I can't wait to hear what you sound like." he said and smiled a reassuring smile. Somehow, it didn't make it any easier knowing he was going to be there.

Nonetheless, I sucked it up and sang.

"How awful it would be
Without them singing to me
I can't imagine a life on mute

When they sing me lullabies
And those songs that make me cry
That's where I find my roots."
The last few words of "A Life On Mute" slipped from my lips and it was finally over. I dreaded it at first but, then, I looked out at the crowd and got the most wonderful adrenaline rush ever. I know I am going to be happy with this career.

"Wow." Demi cried when I walked off-stage. I giggled. "Did I do well?" I asked. "You were phenomenal! I mean, I've heard you sing before but, this time, you completely blew me away!" she shouted, excitedly. That really made me feel a lot better.

"You were amazing." I heard Joe say from behind me, sending unfamiliar shivers up my spine. I smiled. "Thanks!" I said, cheerfully. There was something in his eyes. Something I couldn't read.
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Banners are wonderful, by the way. Hint Hint. :)