Status: Completed.

A Flower in a Field of Weeds

Beach in the Fall


Joe's Point of View
"Hey, you!" Amity called from behind me. I quickly threw my journal under the bed in order to hide the songs I wrote about her. "Uh, hi." I greeted nervously. She didn't seem to notice anything, though, as she sat on the bunk next to me. "You know what we should do? Since we got here early and we have at least five hours before we have to do the concert, we should all go to the beach." she said, cheerily.

I eyed her, skeptically. "Its fall." I replied. She shrugged. "The beach is even prettier in the fall." she replied. "and Demi and Selena are in the city, too. I mean, really, Joe, when will this opportunity ever arise again?"

I pretended to think for a moment. "I guess so." I decided. "If everyone else wants to." She smiled. "They do. I asked you last." she said and got off of the bunk. She pulled me up with her, sending shivers up my spine when her hands met my own.

"Why was I the last to know?" I asked. She shrugged. "Because I knew I could definitely convince you to come." she replied. "Your will is easily broken, Joseph Jonas." That's what she thinks. She skipped over to the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. Then, she sat on the counter as if waiting for me to leave. When I didn't, she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. You caught me." she declared, jumping down from the counter. Caught her what? She opened up the cabinet and the box of "stinky tofu" that no one but her has wanted to touch. I stared, wide-eyed as she unveiled a cupcake from the bag. "My secret stash." she informed me. "But don't eat them all, please. I'm nothing without my sugar."

I laughed. "You little sneak." I said, taking a cupcake. "Well, take it with you. We're going to the beach now." she decided, grabbing me and dragging me off of the tour bus.

When we got there, it was empty. "It would make sense that we're the only ones stupid enough to go swimming in September." Kevin said, dropping his towel and running to the water. Amity giggled. "Hey, look!" she said and pointed to a vendor who, apparently, was not getting service. She ran over to him and, when she came back, she had her arms full of white T-shirts, markers and glitter.

Naturally, the girls were distracted by the glitter and decided to make shirts with their names on it. We got bored so we decided to join them and it was actually pretty fun. "Okay, guys, gather together. I want a picture!" she cried, writing something on her hand with marker. We all groaned but gathered together. Amity stuck her hand out slightly in front of the camera and shot the picture. What did she do?

"Oh, look at how rad it is!" she cried, gesturing for us to come over. On her hand, she wrote "and Amity!" in bubble letters. I rolled my eyes and laughed. We were all labeled now.

"Now, we can go swimming, right?" I asked, taking off my shirt. Amity nodded and continued to look through her pictures until I picked her up and threatened to toss her into the water if she didn't go in herself. This was before I found out that she was so terrified of water she almost drowned herself as soon as her head was under. Needless to say, I didn't try to get her to swim again.

After we were all done swimming, Kevin gathered wood for a bonfire. "Uh. Sorry for, you know, almost killing you." I said, nervously. She laughed. "I forgive you on one condition." she replied. "And that would be?" I inquired.

"Well, since my shirt is soaked now, can I wear yours?" she asked. I nodded and tossed it to her. "And let me hide behind you so no one sees me in my bikini when I take of this shirt." she whispered, shyly, and hid behind me. It's just a bikini but I've learned that Amity doesn't like to reveal too much of herself. Apparently, it makes her self-conscious.

I was surprised when she sat in between my legs in front of the fire. I wrapped my arms around her, hesitantly, and she whispered, "You're warm." with no idea how much of an effect she had on me. She snuggled closer to me and Demi cried, "Aww!" I looked up just in time to see her take a picture with Amity's camera. "Sorry." she said. "Bu you two look adorable. I had to."

Amity laughed. "We're just friends, you dork." she said. Demi nodded. "Right." she said, sarcastically. Amity didn't catch the sarcasm, though, and let it go. Again, my heart dropped. Just friends. Just friends. We're just friends.