
Lack of Privacy

The next morning.

Winter wakes up in Christian's bed, It was quite soft and comfy, It could almost have been enjoyable if she wasn't a prisoner.
She gets up, Her ankle still hurting, And limps to Christian's dresser, Grabbing the comb off the top and brushing out her hair.
She goes into the living room, Seeing Danny sitting on the couch. He looks up. “Hi.” He smiles. “Uh.. hey.” Winter says, Sitting down on the love seat. “What's up with your leg?” Danny asks. “I twisted my ankle last night.” Winter replies, Looking down at her ankle which was swollen pretty good by now. “That sucks.” Danny says. Just then Alex comes in from the kitchen, Holding two glasses filled with red thick liquid. She hands one to Danny. “Here ya go.” She says cheerfully. She looks over and realizes Winter is there. “Hi..How did you sleep?” Alex asks. “Pretty good actually, The bed was comfortable.. If you don't mind me asking, What are you guys drinking?” Winter asks. “Well.. it's.. Blood actually. Danny knows another.. Person like us who actually works at the blood bank so he helps us out every month.. It's a decision Danny and I made about five years ago, We just didn't want to take life anymore..Not when there was an alternative.” Alex says with a smile. “So.. Do you guys age like normal?” Winter asks. “No, One of the few things mythology was right about was that we're immortal.” Danny says, Taking a swig from his glass. “Do you have to use coffins or anything?”
“No thankfully! I'm terrified of small spaces.” Alex laughs. “Yep, She's a vampire with phobias.” Danny says, Alex elbows him in the ribs playfully. “Are you both married?” Winter continues her questions. “No, But we've been dating for.. How long has it been Danny?” Alex looks to Danny. “About 28 years this month I think.” Danny says, Sliding an arm around her. “See, Being a vampire isn't at all likes it been portrayed, We're not dark creatures who live in the shadows and sleep in coffins, Vampire is more of a permanent infection in your body, Something that preserves your body to what you looked like when you were infected, Makes your skin color change, Get paler, And of course gives you the craving for blood.” Alex explains. “Oh and it makes your hair and nails grow faster.” Danny adds. “Well, If vampires aren't the dark moody creatures their painted to be.. Why is Christian like he is?” Winter asks. “Because Christian is what we call an Asshole.” Danny says with a grin. “Danny! Well, Christian is just Christian, There was some stuff that happen when he was younger, It made him very bitter.. Unfortunately I don't see that changing anytime soon.” Alex says in a slightly sad tone.
Christian walks into the room. He takes his jewelery from the edge of the coffee table and leaves the without saying a word to anyone. “Good morning to you too!” Danny says sarcastically. “What's he doing?” Winter whispers. “He's working on his car, Trying to fix it up, It's really the only thing he does anymore besides going out to look for blood.” Alex answers. “Would you mind if I took a bath? It might help the swelling in my ankle.” Winter stands from the couch. “Not at all, Let me show you were it's at.” Alex helps steady Winter, Taking her to a door in the dining room which was a bathroom without a bath, Then takes her through another door in the small bathroom which led to a room specially for the tub. It was a medium sized room, Very nice white bathtub and there was another door to her right which Winter just assumed was a small closet for towels and wash cloths. “The shampoo and conditioner is right there, Along with some really good body wash, And the towels are right through that door in the cabinet, Just let me know if you need anything else.” Alex says, Leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.
Winter starts a hot bath and takes off her clothes. Easing into the water and feeling a soothing relief in her leg, She usually proffered showers, But she thought, Due to the condition of her ankle, It would be best to take a bath this time. She dunks her head under the water and wets her face and hair. After a little while of soaking in the water, Winter gets out of the tub. “the towels are right through that door in the cabinet.” She recalls Alex saying. Opening the door, She was surprised to see yet another bathroom, There was a door even connected to that. “Wow.. How many bathroom's does this place have?!” Winter thought. She kneels down and looks in the cabinet underneath the sink. Finding a big comfy looking towel and just as she stands back up, She hears the nob of the mystery door in front of her begin to turn. “Okay guys, What are you stealing?!” Christian says, Opening the door wide. He curses and turns away as he sees Winter standing there completely nude. “What are you doing in here?!” Christian says. “Getting a towel what does it look like!” Winter shouts, Wrapping the towel around her. “Alex told me the towels were in here.” She finishes. “Whatever.” Christian says irritated, Leaving the bathroom.
“Why does he hate me so much?! If anyone should hate anyone I should hate him!” Winter thought as she dressed in her clothes. “Why don't I hate him?” She whispers, Feeling puzzled.
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I hope you enjoyed, Thank you for reading. There's much more to come. Comments welcome!