The List

This is a story about a group of friends...acomplishing all things they said the would do.

Before I start the story let me introduce the main chacarcters....

Jake Scott : the 'sk8r boi' always has been, and always will be.

Francis Emily Markowitz: Geeky + wierd - braces + contacts(hair products) + Fran Drescher laugh= Franny.

Alex and Alexa: Couldn't be any more different...and they're twins!
-[Alexa] Capitan of the girls hockey team, wouldn't wear a skirt to save her life.
-[Alex] On the otherhand is very femenine.

Last but not least there's Dylan: a she and was always labeled as the girl with her head in the clouds, unfoucsed and carlessly free. Drawing dooldes during class, for a while that was okay...but now she's growing out of it...
  1. The Incedent
    Who know a card game could be so personal...
  2. Bleep Bloop Bleep Bleep
  3. You want us to do what?
  4. Packing Up