Damien's Kiss


“Nice one!” Joe shouted on my last jump. I caught a lot of air on that one, it was a good jump. Joe was up next. He was ready to show me his latest trick, a mix between a nose grab and a spiral. So he says.

“Okay, watch!” Joe shouted as he kicked off from the ramp. He flew down the half-pipe up the other side taking in a lot of air he did the nose grab while he spun horizontally through the air. It was awesome! I hi-fived him as he came back over to the bench. Other skaters Saw his trick and were asking him to show them how it’s done. Joe just laughed and told them next time.

“Hey, wanna hit s bucks?” I asked.

“Sure, I could use a coffee,” he shrugged. We stuffed our things into our bags and walked two blocks to Starbucks. I ordered and paid. We sat at the window seats. I sipped on my hot mocha, while Joe drank a caramel macchiato.

“Just look at the sky!” Joe exclaimed. It was getting late the sun was setting turning the sky into a deep purple, pink fadeout. It was beautiful.

“So are you and my sister like a thing now?” Joe asked randomly.

“What?” I said startled, “no, I don’t think- I don’t know.”

“Well she said she had a boyfriend at lunch with mom today,” Joe stated.

“Is that so, did she say his name?” I quizzed.

“No, I don’t think so, but I mean, you’re the only guy I know, that she could possibly be with,” Joe said taking another sip of his macchiato.

“Maybe I’ll ask her tomorrow,” I said.

“Yeah, that’d be good,” Joe said, finishing up his drink. I finished my mocha too. We headed out of Starbucks.

“See ya in school tomorrow!” I waved, and headed towards home.

“Bye!” Joe said. I watched as he rode his skateboard down, the block towards his house. I pulled out my iPod and listened to green day songs all the way home. I thought about Andrea as I skated home. I got so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t see the red car speeding towards me!

KREEEEECHH!!!!!! The car skidded, I stopped just at the curb. The window of the red sports car rolled down. A jock from school stuck his head out.

“Watch it Damien! I almost hit you!” It was Jared, captain of the soccer team.

“Yeah, sorry man,” I shrugged.

“See ya round punk!” He laughed, it wasn’t a mean laugh, more of an, I’m just kidding laugh. I skated on, back home. I was early. It was only 7 when I got back.