Damien's Kiss


sorry for the wait guys... i just got out of a block.. so enjoy!!

“Mom! I’m not hungry!! I don’t feel to great so imam go rest!” I shouted as I flew into the house, I dropped my board and bag at the bedside and shut the door, I pulled off my shirt and lied in bed, my mom would be up in, three….two…..one….

Knock, knock, knock.

“Honey?” she pushed the door open.

“Are you okay?” She came over and put her hand on my forehead.

“Fine, just need rest,” I turned away from her to face the wall. I felt her get up.

“Okay, I’ll leave you some dinner in the fridge, you can heat it up if you get hungry,” she said softly.

“Thanks mom.”

“Rest well.”

“Mkay…” she shut the door softly. I shot up from bed and switched on my computer, one great thing about my dad, he works with computers, so this baby is a silent as the night, and when turned on and off it makes no noises.

I signed into my messenger, and checked to see who was online.

Thorn: heya joe, waddaya know!
Joe: this is Andrea, Joe’s sister, you should know…
Thorn: Andrea? Why you using your brother’s IM?
Joe: I was about to sign off, you can add me if you like…
Thorn: sure….
Joe: andrea_strong@hotmail.com
Thorn: you’re added…
Joe: Okay… see ya in a bit…
[Joe has signed out and left this conversation]

Another conversation box popped open…

Xoxo: Hi!
Thorn: hi…
Xoxo: I miss you already…
Thorn: that’s nice to hear…
Xoxo: do you miss me too?
Thorn: more than anything right now…
Xoxo: you’re sweet…
Thorn: um… thank you?
Xoxo: it’s a good thing, don’t worry…
Xoxo: so how was the skate park?
Thorn: fun, your brother is amazing at tricks!
Xoxo: yeah, he practices a lot… I kinda wanna learn how to skate, but I’m scared he’ll laugh at me…
Thorn: nah… your brother wouldn’t do that, he’s a nice guy, I’d help him teach you…
Xoxo: maybe just you could teach me…
Thorn: uh… sure… I don’t mind….
Xoxo: hehe…. You’re funny…. Hey you have webcam?
Thorn: yeah but I’d rather you not…. I’m not wearing a shirt…
Xoxo: aww come on….
Thorn: fine… I’ll go put on a shirt….
Xoxo: you don’t have to if you don’t want…

I don’t have to if I don’t want?? Woah! Did she just hint that she wanted to see me shirtless?!

Thorn: um… don’t have to what?
Xoxo: let me see you!
Thorn: ou…. haha….
Xoxo: hey… I gtg… I’ll see you in school tmr, we can walk together if you want…
Thorn: I’ll pick you up at 6:45….
Xoxo: okay! *kisses*
Thorn: xoxo…
Xoxo: aww… *huggles* and *kisses*!!!! Bye!
Thorn: see you tomorrow…

I signed out and went to my favorite website… skate central…f or all skate lovers!