Damien's Kiss


Searching through the piles of old photographs was hard. There was never any thing real that I could use. I searched album after album of pictures of mom when she was young, wow she was so pretty. There was nothing there, nothing I could use, nothing that would tell me who my real dad was!


I finally gave up when I heard the bathroom lock click. Stuffing the pictures into the pillowcase, neatly so as to not damage any, I flipped off the light and slept. It was a long night. I had the strangest dream. That my dad and Andrea’s dad were brothers, my real dad I mean… I sat up straight in my bed, and shuddered at the remembrance of last night’s nightmare.
Andrea. I almost completely forgot about her! I turned and looked at my clock.


“Late again, Mr. Thorn!?” Mr. Presbly asked. Ahh the dreaded math teacher.
“I got here as soon as I could,” I panted.
“Well, it wasn’t soon enough, I’m sorry kid but it’s detention for you, at 3-” he bang to say.
“Till 5, yeah I know, I’m sorry Mr. Presbly, if that counts as anything,” I sighed. I think I saw him give me a sympathetic smile, but I was sure I was just kidding myself.
“Was he late again?!” Principal Walker bellowed at Mr. Presbly.
“No, no, he made it just in time,” Mr. Presbly said with a small smile, “I saw him running up, he was so eager to get here on time, the poor kid.”
Principal Walker scowled, “You know it’s a serious offense to lie, right,” pause, “Mr. Presbly…”
“Why, I dare say Principal Walker, how could you accuse me to lying?!” Mr. Presbly did a double-take. Principal Walker grumbled and went into his office.
“Get to class now, don’t give that man any more reason to mess with you,” Mr. Presbly said with a bright smile.
“Thanks,” I breathed and ran off to my first class, English.


added two chapters!! yay!!!

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