Damien's Kiss


The bell rang, another long hard day of school to go through, I hated school. It wasn’t any fun at McNair, I didn’t belong here, everyone knew that, I was a good for nothing kid who was stuck in one of the top high schools in the state. Ms. Lewis was talking about some book we were supposed to read, the title was “Little Love” a book about god knows what, I wasn’t listening, I was doodling on my notebook paper. Andrea. Andrea. Andrea. Andrea. I wrote her name over and over again on my paper, little hearts flying away from a personified me and following after what was supposed to be Andrea.

“Mr. Thorn,” Ms. Lewis’ voice said breaking my chain of thoughts.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Care to answer the question?”

“Well actually, I-”

“that wasn’t a question,”

“Oh, well then, I uh.. hmm, what was the question again?”

“Damien Thorn you are asking for it!”

“I know, so tell me what it is,”

“Paragraph seven of chapter eight, why did the girl turn away from the boy after he kissed her?”

“Oh that’s easy, she’s a girl and she’s playing hard-to-get, all girls do when there’s a good looking guy around,”

“No, that’s not right,”

I sat back down. The door to the classroom opened. There was a guy standing there. He was tall and pale-skinned, he had green eyes and dark-brown hair. He was wearing a sweater and jeans.

“Yes young man?” Ms. Lewis asked.

“Here for class, I’m a new student here,”’ the kid said. He had a familiar look about him; I just didn’t know what it was.
The kid handed Ms. Lewis a pink slip of paper. She read it and nodded.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself to the class?” Ms. Lewis said with a sweep of her hand.

“Hi, I’m uh, Joe Strong, from town, but I used to go to a different high school, my mom transferred both me and my sister Andrea strong here for schooling,” Joe said.

Then it hit me, no not the flying ball of paper, it hit me too but, Joe was Andrea’s older brother, and she was in this school right now, a year younger than me!