Damien's Kiss


There was an empty seat next to mine, Joe sat there.

“Hi, I’m Damien Thorn,” I said extending my hand. Joe took it.

“You already know who I am, I don’t have to introduce myself again,” Joe laughed, “What page are we on?”

“Uh, para 7 of chapter 8,” I said glancing quickly at my book, “page 356.” Joe nodded and flipped open his book. Joe was wearing dark jeans and a black long-sleeve shirt. He had on fingerless arm-gloves, they were black and had big red ‘x’s’ over them. His shoes were Vans like mine, and he had on lots of eyeliner.

“Do you remember me?” I asked quietly.

“No, should I?” He asked.

“No, I guess not,” I shrugged.

Well, I really guess that he should need to remember me. His mother, sister and him, moved just a few days after the party, they went to live with their Grandmother, who was on the other side of town. The bell rang.

“Let me show you around school!” Damien offered to Joe.

“Okay,” Joe said walking out the door. I followed after him.

“Hold on I need to grab my stuff from my locker,” Joe said.

“Okay,” I nodded. I stuffed an earphone into one ear and turned on the music, Hello Goodbye – Here in you arms. I started bobbing my head to the beat.

“Sorry it’s a little messy, I have to share with my sister, the school said there wasn’t enough lockers,” Joe said as he pulled the locker door open.

“You share with your sister?” I asked.

“Yeah, embarrassing right?”

“No, no, not at all,”

“Well, we’ve got all different classes and we are in different grades so, we have twice the amount of books as anyone else,”

“Well I can imagine,”

“Why’d you ask if I remembered you just now? Have we met before?”

“Well, at your sister’s ninth birthday party, your mom and my mom were best friends,”

“Oh, you’re THE Damien Thorn!” Joe exclaimed pulling a Science Theory book out of his locker after he rearranged the books inside.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Well, after her ninth birthday party, every year after that Andrea would always ask mom, “Mommy, mommy, is Damien Thorn going to be there?”” He laughed.

“Is that good or bad?” I quizzed.

“Well, I think she was sort of scared of you on her tenth and eleventh, but after that I think she began to like you, not that I would know, I have no idea how my sister’s brain works,” Joe shrugged, “Okay, let’s go, I need to get to, room 204, have any idea where that is?”

“Yeah, it’s just down here,” I said pointing down the left hall.

“What’s your period?” I asked.

“Science Theory I,” he said.

“Cool, me too!” I said, “No wonder the room number sounded familiar.”

We made chit chat while we walked to the room and while in the room, we didn’t pay any attention to the teacher. Joe played in a band and was lead vocals and guitarist, like Billie Joe Armstrong, except without the Billie and Arm. We both had a lot of things in common, like the love of music, playing the guitar, wanting to live in California, Skateboarding, Vans shoes, rock, and dress sense. I could tell I’d be hanging out a lot with this guy.


Well what'd you think??? tell me please so i can do this better hahaa... comments please!!!