Damien's Kiss


Andrea stood at the door frame and crossed her arms, throwing me a pout. She was adorable. I held out my arms and she came over, sitting in my lap, I wrapped my long arms around her. She kissed my neck and nuzzled her head there. Joe came in and immediately went back out. I heard him rummaging through things in the kitchen. Andrea lifted her head and starred into my eyes. Her beautiful clear blue ones shinning in the light.

“I love you,” I muttered to her.

“Love you too,” she smiled and pecked my lips. Joe came back into the living room, adorned with a tray of snacks.

“Oh, god, you’re still at it you two?!” Joe asked shutting his eyes. Andrea jumped up from my lap and rushed over to Joe, grabbing a handful of chips and kissing his cheek, then tromping up the stairs.

“Eww eeww eewww!!!!” Joe cried, setting the tray down and wiping his face with his sleeve, “Andrea! That’s gross now I’ve got Damien on me!” He yelled.

“Hey, I’m not some disease!” I shouted in defense. Joe just smirked at me, grabbing M&Ms and popping them in his mouth.

“So, what kind of song you want?” He asked with his mouthful of chocolates. I shrugged and sat back, slinging my guitar strap over my shoulder. I began to strum Andrea’s song.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you, didn’t want to end this way, sorry that I made you, listen to the things I say, but I don’t know what I’m talking about, I don’t know what I’m thinking about, cuz all I ever wanted, was you,” I sang.

“And all I want is you too,” Andrea joined in coming down the stairs. I continued playing and she added more lyrics.

“Wow, that’s good stuff,” Joe murmured picking up his guitar and joining in, adding melody to my strumming.

“Cuz in the end, all I want is you,” Andrea finished. She sang the rest of the song and we sounded great.

“Dude, we’ve got to do that for the show!” Joe cried.

“What show?” Andrea asked.

“We got asked to play opening act for Thorn Amongst the Roses’ concert,” Joe smiled.

“Wow, uh, a real band, asked you guys to play opening act for them?” Andrea questioned her voice full of doubt.

“Yeah,” I shrugged, “My dad’s one of the band members.” At this, Andrea’s eyes grew wide.

“Are you fucking serious?!” She squealed. I never heard her swear before.

“Andrea! Watch your mouth!” Joe said sternly. I laughed at this.

“That’s so cool,” Andrea said giving me a hug.

“You should be our singer, all we need is a drummer,” Joe sighed.

“Did you just ask me to join you in your little escapade to stardom?!” Andrea asked Joe.

“Yeah, you know you can sing, and I know I can’t sing a love song with Damien, cuz well, that would be gross,” Joe smirked. Andrea nudged his cheek with a knuckle.

“Yes it would and I’d kill you if you did,” She said. Joe made a face and stuck out his tongue.

“Write down whatever we just played and sang,” I said as I finished up my riffs and notes. Andrea sat down next to me and swung her legs onto my lap. She began to write her lyrics down. I leaned back and strummed another tune.


*sings* shala la la la my oh my don't have to be so shy, go on and comment there...

shalalalala ain't it sad ain't it a shame too bad if you don't comment there...

you know you want to, just go over there, and comment!

lol... okay.. so comment! ^ ^