Damien's Kiss

Thirty Four

It was a sunny morning and the morning dew clung onto the blades of grass, the sky was clear and the air was cool.

“Hello there sir, and where might you be going today?” Andrea’s sweet voice asked from nowhere. I spun around and came face to face with the girl I loved, the only girl that was right for me.

“Why hello there stranger, I was off to the Strong household, do you know where that might be?” I asked in a fake British accent. She giggled and reached to give me a kiss on the cheek. I held up a finger signaling her to wait. I turned to the lawn and picked a flower from the hearth. Stooping on one knee I pledged my love to Andrea Strong. Properly.

“Dearest Andrea, I think you know this, I know I do, I’ll love you for always and always will, I don’t know what makes today so special but I’m asking you to be my one and only for now until always, because we are so right for each other, I don’t think anything will ever tear me away from you. I’d climb the highest mountain and cross a raging sea, to get to see your smile that’s meant for only me. Andrea, will you be mine?” I asked lamely. She threw her head back and laughed. Wrapping her arms around her waist still laughing.

“Oh gosh Damien! That was, one of the strangest proposals I’ve ever heard, and you should already know that I’m always yours, and you are always mine. From now on, we’re like the sun and the shine, no one is allowed to go anywhere without the other. I love you,” she smiled and kissed me full on the lips. I took her hand and we walked to her house, taking the long route there.

“Can we cover Good Riddance? The one by Green Day?” Andrea asked. He fingers laced with mine.

“Sure, I don’t see why not,” I laughed. We finally got to her house.

“Joey!!!! We’re home!” Andrea cried. I laughed so hard. One, calling Joe, Joey was hilarious, and two Joe came out of the kitchen wearing a frilly apron.

“Dude! What the fuck is that!?” I cried. he looked down and snapped the apron off. I smelled cookies.

“Dude, are you baking?” I laughed. His brows furrowed.

“So what if I am dude! I know how to fucking cook!” Joe laughed. Andrea and I went to the living room and set up, well I set up, she just sat and watched me.

“You are the most good looking kid I have ever seen,” Andrea sighed. I cocked an eyebrow.

“Is that so?” I asked. She nodded. I began to pluck a tune, it was teenagers by My Chem. Andrea began to sing it. She had a really unique voice. It could fit any music style!

“Cookies!” Joe shouted from the kitchen. I put my guitar down and flew into the kitchen.

“Where?!” I cried.

“Here, and they’re special!” Joe laughed. I took one and bit into it.

“Is this? Are they? Skittles?!” I asked. It was actually really good. I was surprised. I could taste the colors of the rainbow.. haha… it was skittles!

“Let’s go practice!” Joe said.