Damien's Kiss


We paid the lunch lady after grabbing our lunches. I got a club sandwich and a bottle of water. Joe grabbed a tuna sandwich, a ham and cheese sandwich and two bottles of water.

“I don’t know if she wants water,” Joe said with a random shrug.

“It’s okay, it she wants a coke we can always get one later at the vending machine,” I said nodding in the direction of the machine. After searching around for a while, we finally found Andrea sitting at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria.

“I didn’t know you were joining us, Mr. Thorn,” She said with a fake British accent.

“Please, call me Damien,” I joked back.

“Thanks bro,” she said grabbing her ham and cheese sandwich. She unwrapped the plastic wrapping and took a bite out of the sandwich. Then she took one of the bottles of water and tried to open it.

“Let me,” I offered extending my hand. She plopped the bottle into my hand. Crack. And the bottle was open.

“There ya go,” I said handing the bottle back to her.

“Such a gentleman,” she giggled. Boy was she a sight for sore eyes, I mean there have been other girls that I fancied, but none that could stand in for Andrea, and none that would talk to me.

“So, about later at the skate park, you want me to walk with you and then we head there together, or do you wanna meet up there?” I asked Joe.

“I dunno, I’m not sure where it is, so maybe you walk with us to ou-” he was saying, I think Andrea kicked his leg.

“The skate park down by the old fire building?” Andrea asked.


“Joe knows where that is,”

“Alright then I’ll meet you there later at fourish?”

“Okay,” Joe said. the bell rang.

“See ya later then, don’t forget your essentials,” I said.

“What essentials?” He asked.

“No helmets, no pads, just your board and your balls!” I joked.

“Simple Plan!” Joe cried.

“Yeah, I’m kidding bring your helmet, pads, board and balls,” I told him, “you can find your way around right?”

“Sure, no problem,” Joe said as we dumped our trays and the three of us left the cafeteria.

“See ya,” I said hurrying off to my next class. I double checked my timetable. It was art, eeaaayyy!!! My favorite subject.

