Damien's Kiss


I walked into the art room, our subject theme today was “Unforgettable”. I went to the shelves and pulled out a deep earthy brownish pink piece of A2 sized paper. I clipped it to a board and rested it on the easel. I began to sketch with a pencil. A drew a park bench, and a girl, with two ponytails, a balloon tied to her wrist. She had on a flowing party dress and an ice-cream cone in her hands. A boy sat next to her, with a balloon tied to his wrist, he was kissing her cheek, just below her eyes. With a punk rock Mohawk, long sleeves and jeans. This was always how I pictured an Unforgettable moment. It was my unforgettable moment.

“Wow, you’re really good!” a familiar voice came behind me. I spun around, it was Andrea, I thought of how I could hide my drawing but she had probably been standing there since, forever.

“Are you lost?” I asked.

“Nope, I have to talk to Ms. Temple,” She said.

“Oh… what for?” I asked

“I want to take this art class,”

“This art class as in, at this time, the same class with me?”


“Why don’t you take freshman art classes?”

“I’m too good for them,” she giggled.

“There she is now, go talk to her,” I said nodding my head towards the door where Ms. Temple was just coming in. Ms. Temple was the coolest art teacher ever, she was real professional, she bought us neat reference books, and even got the school to put in more money to the art fund. What does she look like? Well, she’s tall, slim, her hair is in a short brown bob, she loves jackets, and boot cut pants, jeans, pants, all kinds but they have to be boot cut, she’s got these bohemian style shirts, like tie-dye and floral prints, real artsy look.

“Ms. Temple, I was just looking for you,” Andrea said.

“I was just about to say the same,” Ms. Temple told Andrea.

“Me? For what?” Andrea asked.

“Probably the same reasons you’re looking for me,” Ms. Temple said.

“I want to join this class,” Andrea said.

“Then grab a sheet of paper and pull up and easel,” Ms. Temple laughed.

“Really, Mr. Walker said it’s okay?” Andrea cried in excitement.

“Well he didn’t want too until I showed him your stuff, you have got some great stuff,” Ms. Temple said shaking her head, “Damien, c’mere,”

“What’s up Ms. Temple?” I asked walking over.

“Show this kid around, you could learn some stuff from her,” Ms. Temple said resting her hands on Andrea’s shoulders.

“Sure Ms. Temple, sure,” I laughed.

“Seriously kid, she’s got some great work, I’ll show you later, stop by my office after school, you too Andrea,” She said.