Damien's Kiss


“Okay,” Andrea and I said simultaneously. I put my arm over Andrea’s shoulder. She jumped a little but I didn’t pull my arm away.

“Alright Salvador, I’ll show you around,” I steered her towards the back room, where all the art materials and tools were kept.

“Oh my gosh, I already love it!” She exclaimed, hurrying towards the paper shelf, and paint sets.

“You already like it, wait till you see the pottery room,” I joked.

“We can use all this? We HAVE a pottery room!?” She asked wide-eyed.

“Psh, duh, and duh,” I answered her questions.

“Zomigawd! Where!?! Show me!” She squealed.

“Okay, okay, keep your knickers on,” I laughed, flipping the lights to the store room off and leading her to the pottery room.

“Here she is,” I said. Andrea swept into the room, touching the bags of clay, sitting on the stools and spinning the pottery wheel.

“I’m going to be spending so much time in here, are we allowed in after school hours?” She asked.

“Duh, I always stay back after school, when I’m not at the skate park, I’m here,” I shrugged.

“You’re a really good artist you know,”

“Thanks, I know,”

“Ha ha! You’re a real laugh,”

“Thank I know that too,”

“Okay, whatever, I have to get to my next class,”

“What next class, art is four periods, till the end of school,”

“Really, does that mean I don’t have to take all these other classes?”

“Well I’m not sure, we can go ask Ms. Temple,”

“Okay,” she stood up, I reached for the lights just as I flipped them off. She tripped on one of the pottery wheel cables. I swooped over and caught her in mid-air. It was so cool!

“You okay?” I asked

“Yeah, thanks for saving me,” She said.

“No probl-” I began to say, she lifted her head and kissed my lips. She pulled away.

“Wow, if that was a kiss thanking me, I should help you out more,” I said.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,”

“No, I-” I began to say but I dismissed my thoughts and kissed her back. We kissed more passionately, she pushed me against the wall, one of the pottery tile pieces was poking my back but who cared, Andrea Strong the girl of my dreams was making out with me. She pulled back for air.

“Andrea, I think we should go back outside,” I said, “get some clay on your hands, then it can look like we were testing the stuff out in here.”

“Okay.” I stuck my hands into a tub of water, and grabbed some clay, then I rubbed it all through my hands, using my arm to wipe some of Andrea’s lipstick off my mouth. She applied some more lipstick and rubbed her hands together with mine, she looked up at me and smiled.

“You know what Thorn, I really like you too,” She said. After 7 years of waiting, I finally got what I waited for. She smudged some clay on my face and then on her own face. I used a wet towel, and wiped it over one of the wheels.

“Okay, let’s go,” I said. we headed out of the room and over to the sink. I washed my hands and arm and face.

“So, you like the pottery room huh?” Ms. Temple’s voice came from behind.

“Yeah, I really do, are we allowed in after school hours?” Andrea asked.

“Of course you are,” Ms. Temple said.

“That’s great, I’ll go start on my work now,” Andrea said drying her hands and going into the back room.

“Damien, I pleased with your sketch-out, I think you’re work is going to be very promising,” Ms. Temple said to me.

“Thanks,” I said. I dried my hands and went back to my easel. I continued to finish my sketching and then I got my paints ready.


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