Damien's Kiss


I painted the bench red, and the girl’s dress pink, the boy’s shirt was black, and his jeans dark blue. I made his shoes black and white, and painted his balloon black. The girl’s balloon was pink. I painted the ice-cream cone and her skin, the background and his hair. The time flew by; I stole glimpses of Andrea’s work she was painting a school dance, homecoming maybe? A couple was on the dance floor kissing, lights surrounded them like it was magical. It was. Her painting was so real, I got lost in it.

“Told you she was good,” Ms. Temple said patting my shoulder. I turned back to my own painting and added the finishing touches, just in time, the bell rang. I pulled out my iPod and plugged the earphones into my ears. I listened to Hello Goodbye, Oh, it is Love. It was a really great song, I loved Hello Goodbye. I was shoving my stuff into my backpack then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up. it was Andrea.

“What’s up?” I asked pulling one earphone out.

“You going to see Ms. Temple?”

“Yeah,” I put my stuff down and walked over to Ms. Temple’s office. Knock knock.

“Come in, oh hey kids,”

“You wanted to see us?”

“Yeah, here Damien, lemme show you some of Andrea’s stuff,”

“Okay,” She pulled out a giant folder and flipped it open.

“Wow, this is good!” I was amazed, her work was so unreal, it captured every aspect of graphic art. The bright colors and disco theme were really neat. It was really good.

“Thanks, I know,” Andrea laughed.

“Oh hey, I gotta go,” I said looking at my watch, it was already 3:30 p.m.

“Oh my gosh, me too, I have to go meet my brother!” Andrea cried, “Bye Ms. Temple!”

“Yeah, bye!” I said and headed out the door. The both of us walked out of the main building, and there was Joe leaning against the bike rack bobbing his head to his iPod.

“Hey man!” I cried.

“Geez! What took you guys so long?” He asked.

“Art,” I said.

“You got the art class?” He asked Andrea, she nodded happily.

“Well I guess, I’ll see you later at the skate park?”


“You can come with us,” Andrea said, “Or I can come with you,”

“Uh, I’ll just meet you at the park later kay Joe?”

“Sure thing, see ya at fourish,”
