Our Futures Were So Bright

If Only I Could Get This One Thing Right.

“Ugh! It’s not that difficult!” I was scolded, as I laid there as a result of my own failure.

“We’ve been over it a thousand times!” Steam might have been escaping from his scalp.

Defeated and crushed, I continued to lay there motionless.

“Ugh.” He sighed again, cooling down. “Just watch.” With that, John jumped just high enough so that he was able to wrap his legs around Mike’s head and fling him across the mat, something I had failed to do to the by-standing Kelly Kelly.

“Here.” John breathed heavily as he had outstretched a hand to me. Thinking I might not be able to get up without his support, I accepted.

“Try again.” He patted me on the back, somewhat pushing me towards the diva. Sluggishly, I walked towards Kelly, making sure to stop so I would have enough space between her and myself. As I jumped, my calculations were wrong as they had been before, causing one of my legs to crash into Kelly’s shoulder. We both dropped.

Jesus. I thought. If only I could get this one thing right.

“Ugh!” John was beyond frustration as he threw his hands up.

Embarrassed, I wiped the sweat off my face. Looking at the guys, Mike had tried to calm John down. This was useless, as he already had one leg over the rope, and was about to do the same with the other. By this time Kelly had stood up and joined Mike. Trying to push myself up, I had no strength to. We’d been practicing this ridiculous move for at least an hour, if not more, and I was exhausted. Turning my head to the left, I was able to see John speed walking up the ramp and through the side door entrance.

“Here.” Mike now gave me his hand. In seconds I was back on my feet.

“Don’t worry about him.” He must of seen the frown forming on my face, “He’s just worried about the title match tonight.”

“Yeah... I guess.” I tried convincing him I wasn’t as upset as I actually was.

“We can just pick this up tomorrow.”

“Ok.” And with that got out of the ring myself. Walking as slowly as possible, I made my way to the locker rooms backstage. Seeing the door which lead to the public diva one, I stumbled in there and finally had a chance to lay down.

Within seconds, I was out like a light.
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