Our Futures Were So Bright

I Didn't *** Myself!

"You're pregnant?!" Was my first reaction. She just starting bawling again. Maybe I admit that wasn't the best response.
"I fucked up!" Heidi shouted between sobs. "We fucked up!"
"What do you mean 'we fucked up'?!" I sort of began to panic. She didn't reply for a while. A long, long while.
"What the fuck do you think I mean?!"
Was she really trying to say what I think she was trying to say?!
"No, no, no." I started to back away from her.
"Oh fuck you John like I wanted this!"

-Heidi's POV-

I can't believe how he's fucking acting!
"I'm not apart of this!" He squeaked.
"The hell you are!" I screamed, "I didn't fuck myself!"
"Noooo." John quietly whined to himself, pulling his hair back.
"You're not fucking helping!" My tears began to dry. He slowly appraoched me. Lowering his voice he asked, "It's mine? Your sure it's mine?... Your positive its mine?!"
"Yes I'm fucking positive!" I yelled as John signaled for me to lower my voice, "I hadn't had sex since I started fucking training!" I whispered as if I was yelling.
"Fuck!" John sighed before he started pacing. "Fuck!" He spoke again before leaving my room. Tearing up, I decided to lay on my bed and see what was on TV just to get my mind off of everything.
One, Two, Three, DingDingDing
"RAW... Great." I sighed, throwing a pillow over my face. Exhausted from everything, it wasn't long before I just dozed off...

"Is she ok?" "Of course she's ok!" "Should we wake her up?" "I don't know?" "Well maybe we should-"
My eyes shot open. "Wha?!" I jumped 20 feet in the air after waking up to Mike and John just staring at me. "What the fuck are you doing here!" My heart was pounding.
"We needa talk!" Mike answered.
"Ughhhh. Nooowww?" I whined, pulling my covers up.
"Yes! Now!" Mike answered again.
Upset, I sat up against the headboard. "Talk."
"How're we gonna do this?" It was like John turned into a mute and Mike was the only one who could talk.
"How're we gonna do what?" I sarcastically answered directed towards John.
"Well you obviously can't wrestle!" John finally spoke. My stomach sank. There was a pretty long silence until, "Well first things first." Mike sat down next to me. "Do you plan on keeping it?" He asked. I felt my eyes begin to swell.
"I don't fucking know guys, did you just come in here to piss me off?" I was pretty easily aggrevated.
"No!" John defended, "We just need to talk about what we're going to do!"
"First off, if thats what you wanted to do, then why the fuck is Mike asking me the fucking questions... and what does this even have to do with him?!"
Mike put up his hands said "Sorry" and simply walked out.
"Aw come on was that really neccessary?" John sighed.
"Ugh! Just get out!" I laid back down.
"Wait, wait, wait! Uh. Well. What are we going to do?" He calmed down and tried to talk to me.
"I don't know what to do, John." I sighed. "I can either give up everything I've worked this fucking hard for or just kill the thing and get on with my life. Not the simplest decision ever." I finally made eye contact with him but couldn't help but frown. I could tell he was in the same position when he frowned back.
"Jesus Chriiiist!" I whined. "Why did this have to happen?!"
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just stumbled upon my old account a few days ago and I was like 'wow. i should post another chapter!' lol. now to see if anyone would still read this o.O