Our Futures Were So Bright

Judgement, Morals, And Memory Non-Existent.

Getting into my room, I took the quickest shower of my life. It was obvious to everyone on both ECW and Smackdown that I loved the after parties of any show. It always gave me something to look forward to. And nonetheless, it was just a good time to acknowledge and appreciate my colleagues work. Thus, they all understood my excitement for the first official hotel party when I had choose to leave the arena early. Getting out, I got changed into a cute black tube top, jean mini skirt, and black heels before straightening my hair and applying a normal amount of make-up. But even as I hurried, I knew the party had already started. Since both roosters took up the entire top floor of the hotel, I could already hear the music blaring from the Tag Team Champion’s suite. Feeling ready to leave, I checked the mirror one last time before walking down the hall to the party. Pounding on the door in hopes someone would here me, Mike answered.

“Hey!” He yelled over the music and pulled me into a hug.

“Hey!” I greeted him back, carefully watching the beer in his right hand to make sure it wouldn’t spill.

Seeing the actual party scene was crazy. Smartly, they had moved the beds upright and balanced them against a wall while using the counters as the ‘bar’ area. The stereo was placed on the coffee table near all of this, on full blast. Dancing my way though the crowd, I could tell the real party was going on at my destination; the bar. Getting there, superstars were crowded around, waiting for their turn at the various liquor spread. Finally getting my turn up, I poured a gracious amount of Grey Goose Vodka with some Red Bull into my red plastic cup until, “HEIDI!” Was heard throughout the entire room.

Turning around, I was practically tackled by Michelle. I didn’t mind this too much. She had been my partying buddy from when I had gotten involved in the WWE, and we had just gotten closer ever since.

“What’s up girl?!” She yelled, standing up straight. I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

“Nothing much!” I answered, “Celebrating!” I added as I took a long sip of my drink.

“Yeah!” She nearly downed her entire Corona. “Celebrate-!”

She was cut off by a loud ‘crash’ sounding throughout the party. Wanting to see what had happened, Michelle had wandered off as I waiting near the bar.
What the fuck was that?! I began to panic as a crash echoed throughout the entire room.

Silence followed.

"Aw what the fuck!” Edge yelled, picking up the fallen stereo. Realizing what had happened, the room was filled with boo’s from the superstars.

Oh the irony, I thought, Wrestlers booing.

Edge, having difficulty to get the radio working again, got the assistance of Ryder and Hawkins before the music started up again, just as loud as before. Cheering now began, as most of the divas made their way to the center of the room in packs. One by one, each of them began to sway from side to side or bop their head to whatever song was playing. Within the next ten minutes, all of them were full-out dancing, shaking and gyrating in the most provocative ways imaginable. Me? Well, I was out of the scenario at the moment. Topping off my sixth cup of vodka and red bull, I was wired enough to get out there along with them. But walking was the newest problem. Swaying as I walked, I somehow managed to run into a wall. Drunkenly laughing it off, I decided to sit for a minute to regain my composure. Finding the closest thing to me, I closed a large blue cooler and sat on that. Feeling I could make it to the floor after a few seconds of sitting, I was up and about. But before leaving the cooler, I dug through it to find a Heineken, knowing that any type of beer would be in the cooler. Holding that in my left hand and balancing myself with the right, I had finally accomplished my goal of joining the divas.

“Hey girls!” I now made up part of the circle that the divas were standing in.

“Heyyy!” I received a loud and obnoxious group greeting right before some fast beat song began.

Was the song familiar? Of course. But in the state I was in, I barely knew my name, let alone the name of the current playing song. As the girls went wild, the guys obviously began to notice. They flocked to the dance floor, each of them discretely bumping into a diva. After that, it was all over, as the diva would continue to dance, but this time, on top of one of the wrestlers. Knowing this stupid, repetitive trick of theirs, I was smart enough not to fall for any of this nonsense. Finishing up the last of my beer, I scanned the room and finally found a trash bin to throw it out. As I began walking, which was more like swaying, towards the garbage can, I felt someone come up behind me.

“Hey!” He yelled over the music near my ear.

“Hey yourself!” I turned around to see Morrison with two beers in hand.

“Where you off to?” He asked, shrugging his shoulders.

Not feeling the need to yell, I simply pointed to my empty bottle, then back to the trash can.
After nodding, he yelled “Here!”, gave me one of the beers he had, then took the empty one from me.

“Thankssss.” I slurred, taking a long gulp.

Before I was even done, Michelle had joined me once again, this time grabbing my empty hand and began to dance. I joined, careful not to spill nor drop my new bottle. This task even became more difficult as someone had began dancing behind me, practically forcing me to run into McCool. And as the Miz had now approached Michelle from behind as well, there was no way to avoid this collision. Wanting to take the bottle away from the equation, I quickly downed however much was left in it in one shot. And ultimately, I can honestly say that threw me over the edge. My vision became blurry, my balance thrown off, and my judgement, morals, and memory of it all non-existent.
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