Our Futures Were So Bright

I Knew Exactly Why He Was Here.

“Ughhh.” I groaned as I had finally woken up from my deep sleep. Immediately I scrunched my face in the presence of the sunlight seeping in from the blinds. Avoiding it, I rolled over, hoping to reach the night stand of the hotel and see the time from the clock of my room. Before getting to the end, I ran into something. Squinting my eyes, they quickly shot open as this ‘something’ had turned into ‘someone.’
“John?!” I said shocked, in my morning, groggily voice. With no response, I gently shook him.
“John?!” I repeated, correcting myself to my normal voice.
“Hmm?” He bared hummed.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Seeing his bare chest, I knew exactly why he was here and what had happened. My shock quickly turned to panic as I wrapped myself in the sheet I had over me and rushed to my suitcase. Taking out whatever clothes were most convenient at the time, I threw them on then returned to the sleeping John.
“John! You have to get up!” I shook him once again, saying this in a somewhat loud and stern voice.
“What?” He had finally awoken.
“You heard me.” By this time, I had began collecting his clothes which were scattered around the room, for him.
“What happened?” He was just as groggy as I had originally been as he scratched his head.
“Never mind that.” I avoided the truth. “You just need to get back to your room.” I threw all the clothes of his I could find at his torso. Without another word, he quickly made himself presentable and managed to slide out of my hotel door.
“Fuckkk.” I whined to myself as I flopped down on my completely messed up bed. Burying my face into my hands, I took several deep breathes before sitting up. Feeling sick, I ran to the bathroom. After forcibly ridding myself of several ounces of alcohol, I took a shower. I officially got dressed, then drowsily made my way to the continental breakfast area in the hotel with a pounding migraine.
“Late night?” I was smugly greeted by Michelle, followed by her drinking from a water bottle.
“Aspirin?” I answered, almost begging to hear a ‘yes.’
“No response?” She cocked an eyebrow with a grin.
“Aspirin?!” I asked a little more forcibly.
“No!” She answered. I sighed out of annoyance. “Sorry Hei.” She halfly frowned.
“It’s alright.” I told her, walking away to find a snack machine with a pack of Advil. I saw her follow.
“Oh come on! Your really not gonna tell me?!” It’s like she couldn’t believe the mood I was in. With a hangover like the one I had, I don’t think you’d be any different.
Being silent until I finally got my Advil, I finally spoke.
“May I?” I asked, pointing to Michelle’s water bottle. Handing it to me, she waited until I had consumed the pills before asking, “Feeling better?”
“Hardly.” I dryly answered.
“What happened?!” She had now taken more interest in the situation than before.
“Nothing.” I lied.
“Yes something did!” She contradicted me.
“No, nothing did.” My patience was drawing thin. From her reaction, I knew she noticed.
“Sorry.” I apologized, “Just not in a good mood.” I explained.
“It’s ok.” She half-heartily responded as she followed me back to my room.
“Well I guess I better be packing.” She sighed.
“Me too.” I answered, rubbing my pounding temple. After giving her a hug, I departed into my messy hotel room to gather my stuff, not sure of what state we were going to next.
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dom dom dommmmm lol