Our Futures Were So Bright

You Are Not Fine.

“Again?” I heard Michelle call after me as I sprinted to my bathroom.

Without having a chance to respond, my head immediately went over the toilet bowl before puking my brains out.

“You didn’t even drink anything!” She held my hair back for me.

After I was finished, I washed my face and went back into my main room to my hotel room. Being greeted with a water bottle, I swished around some water in my mouth before spitting it out in the bathroom sink.

“I know.” I agreed with her giving out a slight sigh. “I’m just sick.”

“I don’t know...” Michelle trailed off unsurely, “You’ve been like this all week!”

“Well, that tend to happen when your sick...” I nervously laughed, hoping she wouldn’t take such a statement too negatively.

“Well, what the hell could make you so sick?! It’s starting to worry me.” Ugh. Not the response I was hoping for.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m getting over it anyway. Don’t worry about it.” I attempted to reassure her.

“Nooo, if you were getting over it, it wouldn’t be this bad. Maybe you should get checked out.” Attempt officially failed.

“I’ll be fineee! I just need to rest up for tomorrow night.” How I wish I didn’t just say that.

“Tomorrow night?!Oh no, no, no. Your in no condition for today let alone tomorrow!”

Of course she was referring to the fact that it was Monday. With RAW going on tonight at some other location in the U.S., I only had more training session tonight before the show tomorrow... Which would, of course, lead to the after party.

“I am fine.”

“You are not fine.”

“Yes I am!” And I flopped onto my bed.

Michelle’s look alone told me she was unconvinced.

“What will make you believe me?!” At this point, I would say anything to get her off my back. All I wanted to do was get through this conversation, training later, and the show tomorrow.

“If you just get it over with and go to the doctors! Then I’ll believe you!” Oh, how I hated doctors. Besides the fact that they were armed with needles, stethoscopes, and waiting rooms, it was ridiculous to put myself through all of that for them to tell me to take some aspirin and take it easy.

Trying to put in a word of protest, Michelle decided to talk over me.

“Just do it!” She urged me, somewhat yelling.

“Fine!” I finally gave in.
The sooner I went through this hell, the sooner she would just agree and party with me the next day.
Getting my Rent-A-Car keys, I told Michelle to inform Mike that I might be late to today’s session before I left in search of a suitable doctor’s office.
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sorry this is short lol.
its meant to be somewhat transitional =]