Our Futures Were So Bright

Get Warmed Up For The Show.

With my face puffy and red to match my eyes, I finally got to my hotel room. With wrestlers passing me left and right, I couldn’t wait to get in. With one swift motion, I swiped my card, entered, and closed the door behind me. At this point, I didn’t know what to do... except cry. My emotions had already gotten the best of me in the restroom at WalMart, and continued to do so, now in my empty room. Burying my head into one of the various pillows I had, it was soaking wet by the time there was a knock at the door.

“Go awayyy.” I whined, not bothering to even pick my head up.

“Heidi?! You in there?!” The voice called. My tears ceased.

“John?” I called, in the smallest voice imaginable. A part of me wished it was him, so I could at least try to make sense of this whole situation. But then again, a part of me wished it wasn’t.

“No, it’s Mike. Let me in!” My heart somewhat dropped.

“Hold on.” I called before splashing cold water on my face, praying it would help me look decent.

Getting to the door, I opened it barely enough so that Mike could get a hold of it, then retreated back to my bed. After getting in my room, Mike sat next to me on my bed.

“What’s up with you, Hei?! We waited at least an hour for you at the ring!” He seemed like he was genuinely worried, but he was also giving off an annoyed undertone as well.

“Nothing.” I said in a soft voice, “Sorry you were waiting.” Containing my feelings were harder than you could ever imagine

“It’s ok. John was a tad bit pissed, but I talked him into doing another session tomorrow. I figured you get the practice you needed and we could get warmed up for the show.”

Now they were impossible to contain. I bursted into tears, and reached for the same pillow as before to put it in front of my face.

“Heidi, Heidi, what’s wrong?” Mike patted my back and spoke caringly.

“I can’t practice tomorrowww.” I cried, tears still streaming down my face. I mean, it had all become a reality to me. My life, my future, ruined. I couldn’t wrestling with a child inside of me, which meant I sure as hell couldn’t be on ECW. I was destined for the sidelines, with no partying, no drinking, and nothing to fall back on.

“What?! Why not?!” I sure as hell wasn’t about to tell him.

“I just can’t!” I somewhat yelled in response.

“Is it because of John again?!” He asked.

Not really sure of what to answer, I momentarily paused. “No!” I lied, wiping my tears with the pillow.

Mike gasped. “Yes it is!” He exclaimed, leaning back.

“No!” I repeated myself, trying to stop crying.

“Don’t you worry Heidi. I’ll take care of him.” He smiled as he got off the bed and left towards the door.

“Mike! No!” I pleaded, wanting nothing more than for him to come back and sit with me, But it was too late. He was out the door, on his way to find the man I wasn’t sure if I wanted to face just yet.
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hoped yall enjoyed =]
the next ones shall be longer, i promise :]<3