Our Futures Were So Bright

I Was Such An Asshole.

-Mike’s POV-

John really messed up this time. Not only did Heidi not even want to practice, she basically implied it was because of him! Jeez, Mr. McMahon is going to have a field day when he hears about this one. Getting to John’s room, I knocked pretty loudly... No response.
Impatient, I knocked again, which this time sounded more like pounding.

“Jesus Christ, what do you want?” John answered.

“It’s Heidi.”

“Oh when isn’t it.” He seemed annoyed.

“Did I catch you at a bad time or something?” I was confused by his attitude.

“Sort of.” He opened his door slightly wider, and I was able to see Maryse watching TV.

“Oh, sorry man.” I should’ve guessed by his slow arrival to the door.

“Never mind that.” He still seemed annoyed, but continued, “What’s with Heidi now?”

“I don’t know... She finally got back here, didn’t tell anyone, and now she’s just hysterical in her room, saying she can’t practice.”

“Why not?!”

“That’s what I asked! And I thought it might have been because of your last fight in the ring, that’s why I’m here.” John took a second to look back at the girl in his room, then step out of the doorway.

“You stay, I go.” John told me. With a grin, I had no problem taking up where he left off.

“Well, hello there.” I smiled, taking my place next to Maryse.
Your welcome John.

-John’s POV-

Damn it Heidi. Was all that was running through my head until I got to her door. Knocking, there was no response.

“Heidi?!” I didn’t just leave an already warmed up Maryse with Mike to get no response.

“Aw come on Heidi! Let me in!” I knocked again.

Still no response. With a sigh, I took out my cell. While scrolling through my contacts, I heard the door knob slowly turn. Putting away my cell phone, I barely had time to catch the door. Getting in, Heidi was already walking back to her bed, with a pillow in hand. Following her, my annoyance to the whole situation faded. It was obvious she couldn’t stop crying, and that alone made me feel guilty for ever fighting with her. If I would have known she’d be so upset, I would have avoided any conflict with her.

“Listen.” I started in a sympathetic tone, “I’m sorry that I was such an asshole at practice.”

She went from crying to bawling as soon as I told her this. At this point, I don’t know what to say to her to make her feel any better.

“Uh, and I really want you to keep practicing with me, Mike, and Kelly... I mean if you forgive me.”
Tears ran down her face like a flood before burying her head into her pillow. Feeling the need to do something, I rubbed her back. I think this helped to calm her down a bit, as she slightly lifted her head up a bit.

“I can’t.” She whispered, before starting to cry all over again. Honestly, I was shocked like you wouldn’t believe. Not wanting to leave her alone in the type of state she was in, I continued to rub her back for a while, at least until her crying had ceased. Getting up, I was speechless. No one had ever just quit training because of me.

Walking to the door, my hand was on the knob until Heidi called, “John!”

Turning around to face her, it was like everything was in slow motion as she said, “I’m. preg-nant.”
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woah, this took forever to post. sorry about that.
i'ma try to post either on weekends or days off from school :]