Real Boys Kiss Boys

The word „***“ is used very often ...

[ 3 minutes later ]

„YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! STOP HURTING YOUR SON!! ALLEN IS FUCKING 10 YEARS OLD!!!“ I roar at my dad running down the stairs. Dad stands in the hallway and looks up confused.
„Where were you?“ He wants to know.
„I was at Gerard´s while you hurted Allen!“
„ALLEN!!!“ dad screams upstairs.
„SHUT UP!!“ dad gets really angry.
„I DON`T!!! if you hurt Allen EVER again – I´ll kick the living shit out of you!“ I hiss.
I turn around to face her.
„Stop it mum ... we all know what dad did! He hurts you! He hurts Allen and he hurts me! I´m sick of it and I know you´re fucking sick of it, too!“
Suddenly I feel a hand at my neck and I´m pinned on the wall behind me.
„Shut up ...“ Dad hisses devlishy. He smirks. ARGH I hate his smirk!
I kick him into the balls. His scream sounds in the whole house. Allen run downstairs. I wrap my arms around him.
„Get your fucking ass out of here.“ I say to my father who´s lying on the ground with tears in his eyes.
„You´re not my son ..“
„yeah, right .. you´re not my father – you´re a sick asshole!“