Real Boys Kiss Boys


“WHAT?!” I run down the stairs. Allen looks with widen eyes at me.
He points at the window. I look outside where our dad stands screaming and crying. WTF?!
It´s already dark outside but we see him. Mum stands behind me.
“He´s drunk.” He mumbles.
“yeah, I see ...” I feel the anger in my chest.
I go to the door and open it.
“Get your stuff and go away!” I shout.
“Scram!” I hear Allen´s voice next to me. I look down and he looks with a angry look at our dad.
The asshole pick up his suitcase and speak something with a slur.
“FUCK YOU!” I yell at him and slam the door.
“thank you, Frankie...” Allen hugs me.
“yeah and I thank you. You behaved so bravely – I´m proud of you.” I whisper in his ear and I feel his smile.