Real Boys Kiss Boys

A new friend xD

“THIS ONE THIS ONE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I squeal jumbing up and down like a ball.
“Frankie!!!” Gerard shushes!
“calm down ...” he says walking over to me slowly.
“WOAH!” He screams when he sees all the little hamsters running in the cage.
“HOW SWEET!” he squeals holding me tight.
“Can I help you?” a voice asks. We turn around.
“yes ehrm ... We want to buy a hamster ...” Gee blushes.
“Okay, wich one?” The women walks over to us and looks into the cage.
“THIS ONE THIS ONE!!” I squeal again pointing at the little black one.
“yeah it´s cute ..” Gerard mumbles.
“Hey ... will it be your hamster or mine?” he asks.
I´m silent.
Then I have the best idea ever.
Gerard smiles.
“Okay honey ... I´ll take the white one and you the blacky here, okay?”
“YES!” I jump up and down.
Yeah, I know sometimes ... okay OFTEN I´m very childish ...

[ 2 hours later ]

“OH LOOK GERARD!” I shout downstairs. Gerard watches TV in the living room with Mikey.
“Frankie! Are you still sitting in front of the cage? I thought you wanted to shower?” Gerard shouts back.
“ooh .. yes ... you´re right!” I blush a lil´ bit, pick some new clothes up and make my way to the bathroom.
“Frankie? Are you showering?” Gerard asks from the hallway.
“Yeah – why?” I shout while the warm water runs down my back.
“nothingnothing ...” I hear him mumble. I shrug my shoulders and turn around.