Day At The Park

At The Park

What a shit day. I’m on a park bench feeling like a loser, like an old woman who has nothing to do with her spare time and has come to sit on a park bench to watch the world go by. I’m not that old but I’ve got my 15th birthday coming up in just a week, and I haven’t made any plans. How sad is that. I’ll probably spend it just staying at home with some pop corn and a DVD on my own. My parents are going away on the week of my birthday. There always away a lot coz they both work in the army. My mum works as an army nurse and my dad fly’s the planes and drives some of the big army tanks. It kinda sux but what can I do.

I carry on quietly sitting on the park bench still feeling like an old woman when this small girl with blonde hair and pick tails sits down next to me. She’s wearing a pink dress and holding a small doll. All of a sudden she starts crying. I look around to see if her parents are around but there’s now no one in sight. I tap her gently and ask, “Are you ok? What’s wrong”? She just mumbles, “I’ve lost my older brother and I can’t find him any where”.
I had never found a lost person before so I just say, “Where do u live and I’ll take u home”. “I live on McVana road, number 29”. As she said this I realised that was my road too.