Spike Me and Save Me

Kiss Me

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I was worried about Mikey. He still hadn’t come home. I hope he’s not hurt. He could have crashed. Please, Mikey! Come home.
I got out of my bunk, hearing Worm and Ray snore. I didn’t have a plan as to what I was going to do, so I just went to the fridge. I took out some leftover bacon from this morning and took a bite – it tasted horrible! I never understood why we saved it – we always threw it out the next morning and made a new pan-full. I threw it out, before I scavenged for more food. After a few minutes, the trashcan was almost full. God, we have a lot of shit in this fridge!
Suddenly I heard something being dragged over the dusty carpet of the bus floor, but it didn’t come from the bus door; it came from the bunk area. I popped my head back to see past the fridge door and see who was there.

“Hey”, I whispered as I saw Frank walking towards me. He looked tired, yet his hair wasn’t messy, so I knew that he hadn’t been asleep. Just after a few seconds of sleep, Frank was always tossing and turning like a little kid having a nightmare. I love that about him. I love everything about him.

“Hey there”, he whispered back and a slight smile appeared on his face. I guess it did look kind of fun – me sticking out of the fridge in the middle of the night. It was nice to see him smiling again.
“What’re you doing?” He walked past the open fridge door and looked over my shoulder into the fridge. “Where’s all the food?” I giggled – trying hard not to laugh and wake up the others. He giggled back at me.

“It’s all old as hell”, I said, before I closed the fridge door and turned around to face him. His eyes were twinkling in the moonlight. He stared me straight in the eyes, and suddenly my knees felt like Jell-O. I grabbed onto the handle of the fridge door to support me, in case my knees disappeared. They didn’t. Instead my brain seemed to disappear – or at least be flooded by my heart’s desires.
I lead my hand up to his cheek, gently placing my thumb underneath his eye; the rest of my fingers on his jaw line. At first I was afraid that he would reject me, but he quickly closed his eyes and leaned his face into my hand. I let my neck sink a bit and my face fall slightly forward, so that I could reach his lips. It was like he felt me leaning in, because he – still with his eyes closed – tilted his head back a bit to make it easier for my lips to meet his.
When our lips collided, I felt the same warm, tingling sensation go through my every blood vein. It felt slightly painful, but it was a good pain. It was love that caused this sensation. Love was rushing through my blood veins, cleaning out everything bad, and only leaving behind the good. And it wasn’t just any love – it was Frank’s.

Frank’s P.O.V.

My lips were getting warmer. A warmth, which spread though my entire body. It felt as if my blood was gasoline, and that someone had set it on fire – Gerard being that someone. My heart was beating a million miles an hour, when our kiss was abrupt interrupted. I pulled myself away from Gerard’s lips – immediately missing them – and turned my head to face the loud noise coming from the front of the bus.

“Mikey! Thank god!” Gerard said and went toward his brother. He stopped in front of him. Mikey stared at the ground between them a short while, before he looked Gerard in the eyes. He seemed embarrassed. He looked like a kid, who had just broken a window and was about to receive his punishment.
But instead of a punishment, Gerard stretched out his arms and let his little brother fall into them. Mikey began sobbing, which could not only be heard, but also seen by his back jumping up and down underneath Gerard’s arms.

After a while I turned around and walked back towards my bunk. I was only able to hear Ray grunting and snoring now, and when I looked down towards Worm’s bunk, the curtain was opened and his head was sticking out.

“Mikey’s back?” he asked. I nodded, and he sighed lightly in relief.

After about 5-10 minutes, I heard Gerard helping Mikey into his bunk. Mikey had mumbled something incoherent, so I figured he was drunk. Did he drive home? Hopefully not. If he didn’t, then where is the car?
I shook my head – realizing how unimportant the thought was. I waited to hear Gerard’s curtain being drawn, but I didn’t hear it. I turned my head to the drawn curtain to my bunk.
I heard Gerard’s breath. He must have been right on the other side of the curtain. I felt like ripping the curtain away and pull him into my bunk, but instead I just listened to his breathing. It soothed me. Please, don’t ever stop.
After a minute or two, I heard Gerard climb up to his bunk and draw the curtain shut. Before I went to sleep, I kissed my fingers and put them on the ceiling of my bunk. I love you, Gerard.