Spike Me and Save Me

Open Wounds

Gerard’s P.O.V.

Mikey and I were sitting on the couch in the living area, watching TV. Well, trying to. There was nothing on. I was flicking through the channels, trying to find something that could pass the time and kill the silence. Mikey was hung over, but alert enough to talk – the TV would keep him from it. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to talk to him about…everything.

“Fuck that shit”, I said and threw the remote on the floor in front of the TV. There was absolutely nothing on. How the hell is it possible for the channels to make money, if they only air TV-shows that are absolute crap!
I folded my arms and stared at the black screen. I grinned silently. It’s better than what’s on.

“So…” Mikey said. I remembered, why I had kept the TV on. “Do you want us to come with you tomorrow?” I hadn’t even thought about that. Now that they all know, they’ll be around constantly. They’ll see me in pain. Can they handle that? Can I handle that?

“If you want…” I said. I’d rather they didn’t, but I wouldn’t know, how I felt about them being next to me during the whole thing, before we’d tried.

“Hey guys!” Bob said loudly, as he suddenly entered the living area.
“Mikes! Heads up!” he yelled, before he threw something through the air towards Mikey. I followed it with my eyes, but it wasn’t until it hit Mikey’s stomach that I was able to see what it was – car keys. They found it.
Mikey’s arms shot up and folded across his stomach, as he bent forward. He muffled something, and soon after his hand shot up to his forehead. Poor guy – sudden movements doesn’t exactly cure a hangover.
He grunted and suddenly the hand on his stomach flew up to cover his mouth, before he got up and ran out of the room. It wasn’t until Mikey nearly knocked him over that I noticed Worm was standing in the doorway to the living area. He was holding a mug, which he nearly dropped as Mikey pushed passed him. Bob started laughing and I smiled slightly. Worm regained his balance and smiled at us. Soon we heard gagging and coughing echoing from the bathroom. I felt a bit worried, but I knew he was going to be fine. I should know better than anyone.
Worm was leaning slightly back to be able to spot Mikey. He smiled slightly, which made me less worried.

“You know where the other two are at?” he asked, when he stood up straight again.

“I think they’re sound checking or something. Not sure, exactly. Ray left just a few minutes before you showed up”, I said. I hadn’t seen Frank all day. I had a feeling he was deliberately avoiding me, but I didn’t blame him. I would allow him to. He needs to swallow the news. I understand.
I swallowed the hurting lump in my throat.

“Okay. I’ll go look for them. Keep an eye on Mikes”, Worm said, before taking a sip of his mug as he exited the living area.

“Yep!” I said. I bent down to pick up the car keys. Bob had stopped laughing and was looking around the room.

“Where’s the remote at?” he asked, before he started searching between the cushions. I reached over and grabbed the remote, before I got back up in upright position. I threw the remote into his lap, but didn’t hit him like the car keys had hit Mikey. Damn!
I heard Mikey cough once, before the TV started noising. I fiddled with the car keys and looked up at Bob. He was focusing on the TV, even though there was nothing on. He’s avoiding a conversation. Like I did before.
I looked down at the car keys. I really wanna know how he’s doing. How he’s taking it. I don’t want him to be silently hurting.
I searched my mind for a question that would get him to open up – no luck. I stared at a mug on the floor. Mikey had tried drinking a cup of coffee before, but had given up. Is he gonna give up on me? I mean… I know that he’s gonna support me, but can he handle to see me in pain, or is he gonna leave?
I looked up at Bob and knew what to ask him.

“Do you wanna come along tomorrow?” He frowned, before he looked down at me. After a single second of eye contact, he avoided my eyes and looked down at my feet instead. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“It’s okay, man. You don’t have to”, I said as I shook my head. He looked back into my eyes, and at that moment I seemed to know exactly what he was thinking – he wasn’t ready, yet.
I gave him a slight nod, before I got up to check on Mikey. I opened the bathroom door and saw him hunched over the sink. He looked up at me, and I tried hard not to laugh as I saw his face. His eyes were red, and his face screamed ‘I want my mommy’. I smiled as I grabbed him around his shoulders and led him to the kitchen area, to get him some water.